Cardiovascular disease (CVD), different malignancies, chronic respiratory disorders, diabetes, and other noncommunicable diseases are among the leading causes of mortality, accounting for over 60% of all fatalities. CVDs, such as ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular diseases like stroke, are the major cause of mortality, accounting for 17.7 million fatalities. According to the World Health Organization, India is responsible for one-fifth of all fatalities globally, particularly among the younger population. According to the findings of the Global Burden of Disease research, India has an age-standardized CVD mortality rate of 272 per 100,000 people, which is much higher than the global average of 235. CVDs hit Indians a decade before they do the rest of the world. For us Indians, particular causes of concern in CVD are early age of onset, rapid progression and high mortality rate. For us Indians, particular causes of concern in CVD are early age of onset, rapid progression and high mortality rate.
It's the most common warning sign of a heart attack. You may feel discomfort, tightness, or pressure in your chest if you have a blocked artery or are suffering a heart attack. It's as if an elephant is sitting on them, according to some. Others describe it as a pinching or burning sensation. Some patients have angina attacks before they have a heart attack, and they may continue to have them thereafter.
During a heart attack, some people experience these symptoms. It's possible that they'll vomit. Women are more likely than males to report this type of symptom. Many foods, including spicy dishes, can cause indigestion. Cutting away alcohol, cigarettes, citrus, aspirin, and eating close to bedtime or late at night are all good ways to avoid indigestion.
Even if you don't have any other risk factors, not getting enough physical activity can contribute to heart disease. It can also increase the risk of other heart disease risk factors, such as obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes.
Chronic stress occurs when your body is always stressed and in high gear for days or weeks at a time. Stress causes the hormone cortisol to be released. Long-term stress has been linked to an increase in blood cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar, and blood pressure and these are some common heart disease risk factors.
Chronic stress occurs when your body is always stressed and in high gear for days or weeks at a time. Chronic stress can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke by causing high blood pressure. Stress causes the hormone cortisol to be released. Long-term stress has been linked to an increase in blood cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar, and blood pressure, according to studies. These are some common factors that can cause a heart attack.
Ventricular fibrillation- This is an abnormal cardiac rhythm characterized by fast, uncoordinated, and fluttering ventricular contractions. Instead of pumping blood, the ventricles quiver.
Even if you don't have diabetes, being on the verge of developing it can cause dangerous changes in your body. Arrhythmias in the heart are linked to an increased risk of blood clots. A clot can travel from the heart to the brain and cause a stroke if it breaks free.
Heavy drinking can also weaken the heart muscle, making it less efficient in pumping blood. Cardiomyopathy is a condition that can lead to mortality, usually as a result of heart failure. Alcohol is a calorie-dense beverage that can lead to weight gain, which can be hazardous in the long run. Result in a persistent rise in blood pressure. Hypertension is the medical term for persistently high blood pressure.
Sleep Apnea is a disorder where breathing stops and starts periodically throughout sleep, which can be dangerous. Age and obesity are both risk factors. Men are more likely to have it.
When a person with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) tries to breathe, their upper airway becomes restricted or closed. These attempted forceful inhalations might result in significant changes in chest cavity pressure. These repeated shifts in intrathoracic pressure might harm the heart over time.
Obesity is also called a silent heart attack. Obese people require more blood to give oxygen and nutrients to their bodies, which causes blood pressure to rise. To circulate this blood around, your body will need greater pressure. High blood pressure is a leading cause of heart attacks, which are unfortunately more common in fat people.
Fluid builds up in the lungs due to a weak heart. Shortness of breath during activity or trouble breathing when lying flat in bed can be caused by this. A dry, hacking cough or wheezing can be caused by lung congestion. Any returning circulation from the heart to the lungs can get clogged due to the heart's inability to adequately pump blood. This can cause pulmonary congestion, which is why the condition is known as "congestive heart failure." It's also the main cause of persistent coughing.
A healthy heart can protect you against the difficulties that come with a variety of chronic illnesses. While age has traditionally been a major risk factor for heart disease, the evolution of lifestyles has resulted in an increasing number of young people being diagnosed with heart disease. As a result, it is critical to begin caring for the heart early in life in order to avoid deaths later on.
Your heart is a muscle, and exercise, like any other muscle, strengthens it. Determine your desired heart rate first, then select an activity you love and can commit to for the long haul.
Quitting smoking is tough. But you know that it's important to quit, and one of the biggest reasons is that it's linked to heart disease.
It takes more than diet and exercise to lose weight. It's a personal adventure to discover what you enjoy and what works best for you.
The good news is that both chocolate and wine are ok for your heart.
The bad news is that it should only be done in moderation.
Antioxidants found in alcohol and cocoa (a significant element in chocolate) have been demonstrated to boost good cholesterol, reduce bad cholesterol, and enhance blood coagulation.
This advice is applicable all year, not just around the holidays, when heart attack fatalities are at an all-time high due to excess food and temptation. When you eat a lot of food at once, it causes:
An increase in blood pressure and a quicker heart rate are two of the more than 1,400 physiological reactions to stress. If you don't manage your stress, it might spiral out of control, trapping you in a cycle of anxiety.