Management Team

Management Team

						 Dr. Tarang Gianchandani

Dr. Tarang Gianchandani

Group CEO - Healthcare Initiatives, Chief Executive Officer Sir H. N. Reliance Foundation Hospital


MBA in Healthcare Management from National University of Singapore, Clinical Fellowship (Orthopaedics) from Alexandra Hospital (Singapore) & MBBS from Lady Harding Medical College, New Delhi.


Dr. Tarang, an Orthopaedic Surgeon and MBA by qualification and a Healthcare administrator by passion, has over 25 years of experience, both national & international, in acute & long-term care operations as well as multi-site management in the Private & Public sector.

Dr. Tarang is a graduate of Lady Harding Medical College, New Delhi. She completed her MBA with specialization in Healthcare Management from National University of Singapore, post specialisation in Orthopaedics from Singapore.

Prior to joining Sir H N Reliance Foundation hospital, Dr. Tarang has been the CEO of another large multispecialty hospital. Dr Tarang has handled many strategic assignments while working with the Ministry of Health, Changi General Hospital & Alexandra Hospital during her 14 years of tenure at Singapore. Prior to that she had experience at Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan Hospital & GB Pant Hospital, New Delhi.

Dr. Tarang has been felicitated with numerous awards. She was felicitated by the Governor of Maharashtra in Navabharat Healthcare Awards 2022 held on 27th October and conferred Healthcare Leader of the Year award. She was also recognised as Healthcare Leader of the Year 2022 by Financial Express in FE Healthcare Summit concluded on 30th Sept, 2022 and recognised as the Healthcare Icon of the Year by Midday Powerful Women 2022. Other awards in the past include Best CEO award in Times Healthcare Leaders of Medicine & Technology Awards 2020, Award for the best Multispecialty Hospital & CEO for the year 2017, Women CEO for the year 2016 & Best Business Leader Award for CEO, Health Excellence Award in 2015 & 2016, Rashtriya Vibhushan Award in 2016 & Rashtriya Ratan Award in 2015. However, she considers positive feedbacks of patients and wow experiences of patients from clinical and non-clinical services at hospital as the biggest and best awards.

Dr. Tarang believes in importance of developing sustainable health care systems in health care organisations with a prime focus on quality patient care services and clinical outcomes. She is confident that a good clinical and management team with strong and dynamic leadership can achieve the best patient outcomes and quality care in a hospital. She is strong believer of importance of processes and systems in success of healthcare organisation. Futuristic healthcare technology, exceptional skill set of clinicians and patient experience will provide India hospitals of future. She is proud to be a doctor and to be able to support doctors and patients as healthcare administrator.

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