Reliance Foundation Hospital Library Home Education Reliance Foundation Hospital Library Overview Knowledge Resource CentreThe Central Library of Sir H. N. Reliance Foundation Hospital (HN-RFH) is conveniently located on the first floor of Kapol Niwas, adjacent to the convention hall. Spanning an area of approximately 1900 sq. ft., it is accessible to all through card access, ensuring availability at any time throughout the year. Collections at a glance Our library houses approximately 3242 hard-copy books, including 1067 clinical, 217 theses and 203 Diplomate of National Board (DNB) DVDs. The library also offers access to 14 hard-copy nursing journal subscriptions. Additionally, we provide access to clinical databases and maintain a hard-copy subscription to Indian journals across various specialities, as recommended by the National Board of Examinations, Delhi, for DNB courses. Sir H. N. College of Nursing Library Sir H. N. MRS Library Sir H. N. College of Nursing (HN-CON) Library, located at the Sewri, houses a collection of 1848 hard-copy books. It also subscribes to 14 Nursing journals as recommended by the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS). Sir H.N. MRS Library, located at Dhobi Ghat, houses a collection of 94 books and 37 theses and several E-subscription for our doctors and nursing staff to refer to. Various RFH Libraries Below is the list of resources available to doctors and nursing staff at the various RFH libraries:Type of Material AvailableKnowledge Resource Centre- Sir H. N. Reliance Foundation HospitalLibrary- Sir H.N. College of NursingLibrary- Sir H.N. MRSBooks3148184894Theses180 37DVDs203 Clinics1067 Journals1414 E-subscriptions. Online Clinical Journals The following online Journals are available to all doctors working at RFH:Sr. NoJournal NamePublisherWebsite01Clinical Orthopaedics and Related ResearchLippincott of Bone and Joint Surgery (American)Lippincott Bone and Joint JournalLippincott of Diseases in Childhood BMJ of Diseases in Childhood-Education and PracticeBMJ of Diseases in Childhood-Foetal and NeonatalBMJ ResearchSpringer-Nature E-Subscriptions The table below provides a comprehensive list of all e-subscriptions available to our staff members. These resources have been carefully selected to support clinical practice, research, and continuous learning across various specialitiesDoctorsNursesSr. NoResource CategoryWebsiteDetails01Clinical key Physicianswww.clinicalkey.inE-Books-1000, E-Journals-600, Drug monographs, Patient education, Procedure videos02Up To Date Advancedwww.uptodate.comEvidence-based Patient care solutions, Case studiesSr. NoResource CategoryWebsiteDetails01Clinical Key, E-Journals-250, Monographs02Clinical Skills skills and procedures, CE modules Library services 1. Circulation policyHard-copy books can be issued and returned by RFH doctors. Overdue reminders will be communicated via phone calls.SiteUsersBorrow LimitLoan PeriodRenewal PeriodReservationFineSir HN-RFHConsultants1 Book15 days1 timeApplicableNoClinical assistants/DNB students and Fellows interns1 Book7 days1 timeApplicableNoSir HN-CONFaculty Students1 Book 15 days1 time Applicable NoStudents1 Book7 days1 timeApplicableNoSir HN-MRSResearch guide2 Books15 days1 timeApplicableNo Research scholars2 Books15 days1 timeApplicableNo2. Reprographics servicesPhotocopy of articles is made available to DNB students upon request.3. Literature searchArticles are searched and retrieved for journals, clubs, and presentations. Current awareness and selective dissemination of information are provided as required by the Medical research society of Sir H.N.-RFH.4. Interlibrary loanArticles are acquired from other medical libraries on behalf of our users as per their citation needs. Similarly, we fulfil the information needs of other medical libraries through interlibrary loan.5. E-mail alertsNotifications about new arrivals in the library are sent via e-mails.6. Extension servicesThe library also provides extension services for registered users from other Reliance Foundation sites like Health Outreach, Reliance Foundation Hospital at Jamnagar.7. Digital tools support for scholarly publicationsReference management - Mendeley reference manager is used to organise the research data and automatically generate bibliographies.Data analysis and interpretation - SPSS Statistics version 29.0, is a software package used for the analysis of statistical data. SPSS, a Windows-based software, is used to perform data entry and analysis, and to create tables and graphs.Plagiarism detection - Turnitin academic integrity solution is used to detect the similarity/plagiarism in assignments, research articles and theses. Reliance Foundation Hospital Library The libraries of Reliance Foundation Hospital are managed by dedicated librarians. They are responsible for maintaining book records, tracking book borrowings and their due dates, carrying out follow-ups, and maintaining a daily visitor log. Sir H. N. Reliance Foundation Hospital & Research Centre, Girgaon, Mumbai - 400004Mrs. Ashwini BhoreLibrarianContact details: ashwini.bhore@rfhospital.orgPhone number: +91 77100 05284/ 61305542 Sir H. N. College of Nursing, Sewri, Reay Road, Mumbai - 400015Mr. Shivaji ChavanLibrarianContact details: shivaji.chavan@rfhospital.orgPhone number: +91 77678 07264