Management Team

Menopause Clinic


Our Menopause Clinic offers specialized care tailored to address the unique needs and challenges associated with menopausal transition. Through expert guidance, personalized treatment plans, and comprehensive support, the clinic aims to alleviate symptoms and empower women to navigate this stage of life with confidence and comfort.

Location- T-110, 1st Floor, Tower Building

Day & Time - Every Friday: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

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The Tower
  • Gynaecology Consultation
  • Counselling
  • Diet and Lifestyle – Dietician Consult
  • Exercise Options
  • Physiotherapy or pelvic physio if needed
The Tower
  • PAP Smear for Cervix
  • Pelvic Sonography  For Uterus & Ovaries
  • Mammography / Sonomammography
  • Bone Densitometry  DEXA Scan for Osteoporosis
  • Cancer screening  Breast, uterus, cervix, ovaries, colon
  • Physician Consultation as needed
The Tower
  • Relevant blood tests for perimenopausal / postmenopausal Patients
The Tower
  • Non MHT Medications – Phytoestrogen, SERMS, Health Supplements
  • Menopausal Hormonal Therapy (MHT)
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