Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation Hospital Health Outreach Programme Home About Us Hospital's Initiatives Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation Hospital Health Outreach Pro... Overview The Sir H.N. Reliance Hospital Health Outreach Programme was inaugurated on Founders Day, 28 December 2012 and is currently in its 12th year. Vision The 'Health for All' programme by Reliance Foundation envisions to positively impact the health status of the bottom 25% of the Indian population. It aims tohone skills of healthcare professionals to provide world-class preventive and primary health services to alleducate communities to prevent diseases and spread awarenessprovide affordable and accessible health services to the target populationconsider the feedback from our beneficiaries for continually improving our health servicestransform primary and preventive healthcare to ensure maintenance of healthy life longevity and reduce the incidence of diseaseharness multi-disciplinary skill sets to create and sustain a healthy, collaborative, and enjoyable work environment Mission Our mission is to deliver world-class integrated health services to selected target audiences throughprimary and preventive carehealth education campscommunity engagementcounselling sessionsappropriate linkages to other facilitiesevidence-based practicescuring/treating and preventing diseases, spreading awareness, increasing longevity, and promoting overall wellness in underprivileged and marginalised strata of society Values The hospital abides by values of Putting The Patient First, Teamwork, Respect, Integrity, Accountability and Excellence. About us Service scope of the departments Key features of the pyramid programme Use of appropriate technology Other innovations Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation Health Outreach programme is an optimal, cost-effective, high-quality replicable working model aimed at providing all–encompassing preventive and primary healthcare.The programme complements the available secondary and tertiary systems for low-resource clients (urban slum and chawl dwellers) with the aim of ensuring maximum value yield per rupee spent. It has a pyramid design with the team of health workers and nurses providing preventive health screening in the community forming the base, followed by the medical teams (doctors, nurses, and health workers) providing primary care in mobile and static units equipped with all essential medicines, in the second layer. The top layer encompasses tertiary care providers who provide patients with teleconsultations and referrals to the mother hospital for secondary and tertiary care.The pyramid design of the Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation Outreach Programme A unique community engagement initiative design based on community needs that provides preventive healthcare and enables disease detection, especially for patients with non-communicable diseases, at people’s homes. The door-to-door health service is followed by camps in the same communities, focusing on high-risk individuals for diagnosis confirmation, education, and treatment initiation. This structure leads to minimal loss to follow-up and maximal coverageThe next stage is a need-based, seamless referral to well-equipped mobile clinics in the community and secondary (static medical units) and tertiary centres (Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation Hospital and other centres) to ensure continued care, post-preventive health screening (PHS) camps, and appropriate referral and disease management, thus completing the health care cycle.Need-based speciality camps, such as ophthalmology and orthopaedic camps are also organised in the communities. The entire care cycle is completed for each desiring patient at no or minimal cost based on their economic condition.This multi-stakeholder engagement ensures active participation and collaboration of diverse stakeholders in order to ensure a larger catchment and minimise the chances of missing out on the actual vulnerable population. Software: The entire programme data is captured from the field using a made-to-order electronic health record software named R-Clinic. The software enables the user to capture information, helps the team identify high-risk patients through artificial intelligence-enabled risk screening, supports health education, and provides the follow-up status of the beneficiary.Telemedicine: Software-enabled remote teleconsultation with specialists at the hospital is provided to needy patients. Tele-consultation is also provided to patients identified to be at high risk during community screenings to increase compliance and improve health status promptly.Audio-advisories, designed and recorded in-house specific to specific patient needs, are sent regularly to reinforce healthy behaviour and medicine compliance. The messages convey information regarding a special camp, provide reminders to visit clinics and ensure medicine compliance.Data analytics: The software allows us to download various data in Excel format, which can be used to carry out different kinds of analyses. This enables us to apply an evidence-based approach to make decisions regarding patient care based on the best available scientific evidence. Regular evaluation of healthcare services determines the effectiveness of the programme and helps us identify areas for improvement. Utilisation of the tests and radiology downtime at the hospital: The hospital does not lose resources, and poor patients are served at minimal costs. Similarly, full-time specialists and doctors are enrolled for consultations and teleconsultations for the patients identified through the programme.Task shifting to the health workers and nurses: The programme design ensures that everyone is screened and educated about positive lifestyle changes, and only high-risk patients are offered consultation with the medical officer. The load on the secondary and tertiary services nearby is reduced. This also ensures lowered healthcare costs and out-of-pocket expenditures in the long run.Smooth referral system: Though acute primary health care delivery is used to put a step through the door, each interaction is utilised to improve health awareness, provide convenient low-cost screening for common non-communicable diseases—including cancer—make early diagnoses, and support the needy beneficiary through a smooth referral system that utilises both teleconsultation as well as in-person consultation, for fulfilling secondary and tertiary care need. All the interventions are extremely low-cost and seek to utilise existing resources, such as specialist time, laboratory services, or staff training. The programme manages to consistently achieve high-quality outcomes owing to the mother hospital’s various quality accreditation measures.Integrated and comprehensive care provision for each beneficiary: While the programme started out as a primary care programme, with time, the need for the incorporation of promotive and preventive services as the primary pillars to make the programme cost-effective and sustainable was realised. With changes in the epidemiology and rise in the incidence of diseases, which are modifiable in part through healthy lifestyles, health promotion and lifestyle improvement education through a variety of communication tools form an integral part of the programme.Standardised processes: All the activities and interventions of the programme follow standard operating procedures and guidelines. These include standardised training for healthcare providers, screening tools and management protocols, and patient education materials. This ensures that the programme is not dependent on individuals but on processes and can be easily replicated in other locations with minimal effort based on our learning.Patient satisfaction and feedback: The programme takes patient satisfaction/feedback surveys seriously; the majority of our gradual quality improvements and innovations have resulted from involving patients in the programme. Patient satisfaction is key to improving the services as per the need of the community. As per the survey conducted by an external agency, one-third of the patients utilised the services due to easy accessibility and another one-third due to good staff behaviour. Good quality service was the top reason for repeat visits for 22% of beneficiaries, while 15% visited mainly to avail free-of-cost services.Programme management team: A programme management unit comprising experts in various fields plan, design, and implement the programme and give direction for both day to day operations and strategy planning. Weekly and monthly meetings are held based on programme activities and monitoring and evaluation dashboards. A summary is presented to the senior leadership team (SLT) of the organisation on a monthly basis for tracking the progress and the early identification of support required and areas where improvement is needed. This involvement of the SLT ensures that the programme runs tautly and that intended outcomes are delivered. Programme information is shared with the entire Reliance fraternity and the public, ensuring transparent communication, which is essential for the sustainability of the programme. Regular reporting of progress, impact evaluation, cost-effective analysis, and sharing social media content, help build trust with stakeholders and ensure ongoing support for the programme.Employee engagement: Employee engagement is a strong aspect that ensures sustainability. The programme staff have access to all the staff perks and facilities at the mother hospital. There are structured training programmes to enable employees to take care of relevant trainings internally through Jio University and externally. Weekly peer-to-peer learning sessions, specialist lectures, and monthly meetings ensure that the teams, though working in different areas, are aligned with the mission and vision of the programme and organisation. Awards & Recognition Our Services Conditions We Treat Our Technology Awards1st place at the FICCI Healthcare Awards, 2019.1st runner-up at the Glenmark Nutrition Awards, 2022.1st runner-up at the CII WR Innovation in Healthcare and Hospital Technology Awards, 2023.1st runner-up at the CII WR Innovation in Healthcare and Hospital Technology Awards, 2023.Quality certificationAll three of our charitable clinics have received the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH) certification for allopathic clinics.Research and educationAnnual presentations at the National Indian Public Health Association conference (IPHACON) and winner of the best ‘Oral Presentation Award’ in IPHACON 2022.Oral presentation at the Medicine for Equity Conference at Christian Medical College, Vellore in November 2023.Oral presentation on School Hypertension Prevention Programme at the BiggerPockets Conference (BPCON), Jaipur.Ongoing community research on the quality of life of patients visiting our clinics.Partnered with the Indian Society of Hypertension in the May Measurement Month (3M) Project for Hypertension in India in 2024. List of services offered by the departmentDiagnostic tests and proceduresSince 2018, the programme has focused on education, screening, and treatment of anaemia, malnutrition, and non-communicable diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension, and of late, the programme has started to focus on cancer and obesity as well.The following diagnostic tests are performed at the Health Outreach clinics:Anthropometry, nutritional assessmentBlood pressure analysisRandom blood sugarHaemoglobinGlycated haemoglobinElectrocardiogramUrine protein testFaecal occult blood testOther tests, as requiredTreatments and therapiesPromotive, preventive and primary health servicesConsultation with a trained doctor (Medical Officer)Preventive cancer screening: oral, breast, cervical, lung, and colon among othersMalnutrition screening for children under 5 yearsRelevant health educationMedicine dispensingConsultation with specialist doctors in person or through teleconsultationCommunity interventions on special health daysAnaemia, non-communicable diseases, and cancer programmesPatient education and support programmesWhatsApp groups have been created for high-risk patients for easier coordination, where regular updates regarding mobile medical vans and community events are announced. All acute and chronic illnesses requiring primary level, ambulatory, non-invasive management, with a focus on:DiabetesHypertension (in adults).Anaemia (in all age groups).Nutritional disorders (in children).Emergency services are not provided.HIV-AIDS and tuberculosis patients are provided supportive care. State-of-the-art infrastructure utilised by the departmentThe following technologies are used in the clinics:Made-to-order Electronic Health Record software to capture patient follow-up files and confidential data. Each patient is allotted a unique patient ID and the files are accessible to the administrative section of Health Outreach team only.The units are equipped with three telemedicine systems, which are integrated with basic anthropometry and screening and consist of a Kiosk machine, working tabs, and a monitor to interact with the patients who cannot directly reach the unit medical officer for a consultation.Regular dissemination of audio advisories according to the health event in focus is done to ensure that our patients are aware of the new developments in the programme, advice for specific health issues, or any health camp update.The units are also equipped with AINA integrated point-of-care devices that accurately test patient parameters like haemoglobin, glycated haemoglobin, cholesterol etc., along with routine point-of-care testing using a haemoglobinometer, glucometer, and digital blood pressure machine.Physiotherapists in the units are provided portable ultrasound machine to treat various conditions, such as muscle strains, other sports injuries, and joint inflammation etc. Our Team Dr. Swati Jha Programme Director, Health Outreach Mr. Gaurav Nidhi Senior Programme Manager Dr. Tejaswini Singh Assistant Programme Manager Dr. Sonali Divate Assistant Programme Manager Mr. Amit Pangam Programme Manager Mr. Nagesh Gawde Programme Manager Mrs. Sujata Shinde Assistant Programme Manager Mr. Navanth Chabre Assistant Manager Ms. Anoshmita Adhikary Assistant Programme Manager Dr. Nimish Kenkre Senior Medical Officer, Health Outreach Dr. Rashmi Krishna Mahulkar Senior Medical Officer Dr. Chaitali Pramod Hindalekar Senior Medical Officer Dr. Mitul Zaveri Senior Medical Officer Dr. Sudarshana Waghmare Senior Medical Officer Dr. Reena Dodhi Senior Medical Officer Dr. Priyanka Swami Medical Officer Dr. Akshay Sanjay Tandle Medical Officer How do we organise?Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation Hospital Health Outreach Program: Organogram The primary care programme consists of the programme director and the following 58 full-time staff: Programme management unit 8 Medical social workers+ lab assistants 14 Housekeeping staff 10 Full-time Doctors 10 Part-time Doctors 2 Nursing assistants 11 Drivers 5 Contact us Appointment processPatients can visit nearby mobile medical units or static medical units for consultation as per their convenience. The mobile medical units function in 70+ sites across Mumbai and Navi Mumbai and operate from 8:30 am to 4 pm, 6 days a week from Monday to Saturday.Static Medical units are located in 3 strategic locations: Lamington Road, Thakurdwar, and CP Tank, which are very close to the tertiary hospital, Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation Hospital in Goregaon, South Mumbai.For more information, patients can contact the team on 022-3555 3824 or 7718975278Emergency serviceThe Health Outreach Programme does not provide emergency care. Success Stories Cancer Success Story “Cancer is a word that no one ever wants to hear, and I never thought it could happen to me. I felt fine, so I didn’t bother with regular check-ups. But one day, during a screening at one of the mobile units run by Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation Hospital’s Health Outreach Program, they found something wasn’t right. I was terrified and didn’t know what to do, but their team helped me at every step—explaining things, guiding me, and making sure I got the treatment I needed. It wasn’t easy, but I kept going. Today, I’m doing better, and I’m just glad I got checked in time.”~Radha Shinde, Mumbai Diabetes Success Story “I’m 38 and like most people, I just carried on with life, thinking everything was fine. I didn’t feel sick, so I never bothered to get checked. But during a routine check-up at one of the mobile units run by the Sir H. N. Reliance Foundation Hospital’s Health Outreach Program, they told me my blood sugar was dangerously high. I was shocked—I felt normal! I didn’t know what to do, but their team explained everything: what to eat, what to avoid, medicines, and exercise. Slowly, I made changes, started walking, and took my medicines. It worked—my sugar levels are under control, and I feel so much better. I’m just glad I got checked when I did.”~Vishal Shrivastava, Mumbai HTN Success Story “Eight years ago, when my husband suddenly passed away, I had become depressed and developed hypertension. I hadn't realised that these medical conditions were lurking in my body until I went for a screening health check-up at a Sir H. N. Reliance Foundation Hospital Medical Outreach Unit. They immediately started my treatment and also recommended dietary adjustments. The team continuously monitored my treatment progress and brought my hypertension under control. I have been under their care for the last eight years and am now living a healthy life. I have realized the value of healthy living and encourage others to not ignore their health.”~Ms. Kairuddin Qureshi, Mumbai Shattered Skies Success Story “My daughter, Seema, fell into depression, started having suicidal thoughts, and was harming herself. I reached out to one of the Mobile Units affiliated to the Outreach Program of the Sir H. N. Reliance Foundation Hospital and Research Centre. This program worked tirelessly to diagnose and treat Seema via several methods, including mental health assessments, psychological counselling, stress management counselling, and grief counselling, focusing solely on enhancing her emotional well-being. I feel proud to state that Seema is now freed from the shackles of depression and has made a successful comeback.”~Mother of Seema, Mumbai Thalassemia Success Story "For many months, I have suffered from fatigue and shortness of breath. Every doctor I consulted was puzzled and diagnosed me with mild anaemia. But standard anaemia treatment never worked for me. It was the doctors at the Reliance Foundation Hospital’s Health Outreach Programme who finally arrived at the correct diagnosis. They prescribed a series of advanced tests that they did for me free of cost, and these tests revealed that I had an inherited condition called beta thalassemia traits, where haemoglobin production is reduced. Since my symptoms are mild, they recommended diet and lifestyle changes. Thanks to this hospital, now, I am much better."~Narendra Patwa, Mumbai Resources View More Anemia Cancer Cervical Cancer - Hindi Dengue Malaria Malnutrition Hypertension SMU Tobacco World Heart day