Anaesthesia Clinic Home Care Centres Institute of Anaesthesiology & Pain Management Anaesthesia Clinic Overview Patients undergo anaesthesia for surgery or examination. The treating doctor informs the patient about the anaesthesia; an anaesthesiologist, a doctor specialising in anaesthesiology, i.e., perioperative care for patients and pain management, at the Sir H. N. Reliance Foundation hospital will administer the anaesthesia.The anaesthesiologist has a detailed conversation with the patient before the surgery; the definitive approval of the patient for administering the planned anaesthesia and any additional pain relief techniques are obtained. Request An Appointment Fill in the details below and our advisor will get in touch with you in the next 24 hours Name * Email * Mobile * Enquire For * Location * I consent to receive communications and share my personal data, as per the Terms & Conditions * Captcha Get new captcha! What code is in the image? Enter the characters shown in the image. The Preoperative Clinic The Anaesthesiologist Different Types of Anaesthesia The preoperative clinic (Room 303) will inform you about the anaesthesia. At the clinic, patients can discuss their illness and medical history, identify current medications, and so on. A preoperative file will be drawn up based on the patient's examination and his/her medical history. In addition, patients receive a list of preoperative exams that must be carried out. These will depend on the patient’s age, current medical condition, and the type of procedure planned.The collected data will be assembled within the preoperative file for review by an anaesthetist. The review will be performed within 24 hours prior to the surgery.The patients can ask questions at the preoperative clinic to ensure that they are well informed and can accept (or decline) the type of anaesthesia and pain relief techniques proposed by the anaesthetist.A novel virtual preoperative anaesthesia clinic software is also in place; this software enables the patient to answer questions from the comfort of their homes and participate in their own pre-anaesthesia assessment. Patients are categorised into different risk groups and advised to undergo AI-based investigations; then, if needed, they are examined in person at the preoperative clinic. An anesthesiologist is a doctor who specialises in various forms of anaesthesia, pain management, and intensive care during surgery. The anaesthetist is fully apprised of the patient’s illness, medical history, and current medication use. Under anaesthesia, the anaesthesiologist remains by the side of the patient and adjusts the dosage of anaesthesia as needed.In particular, the anaesthesiologist will ensure that:The pain and stress associated with surgery, obstetric, or medical procedures is suppressed.Vital signs (including blood pressure, heart rate, blood oxygen levels, etc.) are monitored, and support for continuous stabilised breathing is administered as needed. Different types of anaesthesia may be administered to the patients:General AnaesthesiaSpinal +/- Epidural AnaesthesiaMajor/Minor Nerve Block AnaesthesiaMonitored Anaesthesia Care (MAC) Without SedationMild/Moderate Deep Procedural SedationWe have an excellent team of 35–40 highly skilled anaesthesiologists with expertise in multiple sub-specialities, such as:Cardiac surgeries, such as bypass surgeries, valve replacements, and repair of life-threatening aortic aneurysms.Onco-surgeries, including surgeries for head and neck and colorectal cancer and urological malignancies: our department effortlessly deals with such high-volume surgeries daily.Robotic uro-onco and abdominal surgeries: our novel surgical oncology techniques have demonstrated excellent outcomes, along with early recovery and short hospital stays.Bariatric surgeries (weight loss surgeries): these are performed per our in-house protocols and have achieved high levels of patient satisfaction.Orthopaedic trauma and joint replacement surgeries: the post-operative pain management team strives to provide patients with early and pain-free rehabilitation.Neuro and spine surgeryComplex paediatric, neonatal, and obstetric procedures: Our team members possess a high level of expertise in dealing with childbirth-related and paediatric emergencies 24/7.Organ transplant surgeries: the surgeons in our team have extensive experience with evidence-based practice, which has greatly enhanced patient outcomes.Endoscopy and interventional procedures:Endoscopy and bronchoscopy procedures: Our department has the highest turnover of patients requiring these procedures in the city; our team efficiently handles such procedures daily with minimal complications.Sedation for MRI, CT, radiation oncology sessions: Our team strives to provide safety and comfort to patients during these procedures.Emergency services:A dedicated team of anaesthesiologists is available round the clock for performing life-saving procedures such as:Cardiac emergency care: Coronary angiographies and/or angioplasties to save patients with heart attacks during the golden hour.Neurointerventional procedures, such as DSA, carotid stenting, aneurysmal coiling, and thrombectomies for stroke treatment, are a part of the STROKE protocol.The CODE BLUE team: we take great pride in this team, which efficiently manages patient/relative collapse and/or other medical emergencies at any part of the hospital.