Management Team

Prostate Cancer Clinic


An annual prostate gland health evaluation is recommended for men aged 50 and above, as prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men and early diagnosis is crucial for successful treatment

  • Our Prostate Cancer Clinic is Mumbai's first specialized clinic dedicated to diagnosing and managing prostate-related diseases, particularly prostate cancer
  • The clinic offers comprehensive consultations and examinations by specialist urologists, including physical examinations of the prostate and additional tests such as urine, blood, and imaging studies, with the possibility of prostate biopsy if cancer is suspected
  • Treatment follows a comprehensive approach, including prevention, education, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation, with the latest treatment facilities available under one roof and complex cases reviewed by a Multidisciplinary Tumour Board
  • Our state-of-the-art technology includes Robotic-assisted Radical Prostatectomy (RARP), providing advanced care comparable to international standards

Location: 3rd Floor, Tower Building 

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