Liver Transplant Home Care Centres Institute of Gastro Sciences Liver Transplant Overview The Department of Liver Transplant at Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation Hospital and Research Centre comprises a dedicated team of liver transplant specialists who are committed to provide specialised medical care for patients with liver failure. The objective of this department is to provide patients with an all-inclusive and cost-effective care both before and after surgery (post-transplant care) for liver failure. Mission Mission is to provide our patients with the excellent, comprehensive and compassionate liver care they deserve. Location: Level 2, Heritage BuildingTimings: 10:00 am to 06:00 pm Request An Appointment Fill in the details below and our advisor will get in touch with you in the next 24 hours Name * Email * Mobile * Enquire For * Location * I consent to receive communications and share my personal data, as per the Terms & Conditions * Captcha Get new captcha! What code is in the image? Enter the characters shown in the image. About Us Our Services Authorisation committee clearance Financial arrangement Conditions We Treat (Attached As A-Z Library) Here, you will be under the care of a skilled and diligent team throughout your entire pre- and post-liver transplant journey. Our experienced liver transplant team includes a multidisciplinary group involving liver transplant surgeons, psychiatrist, transplant pathologist, physiotherapist, dieticians and medical specialists from various specialties including critical care unit, transplant hepatology, gastroenterology, infectious disease, respiratory disease, cardiology, clinical psychology, and liver transplant anaesthesiology.Additionally, you will also be supported by our:Medical social workers who can provide patients with emotional support and practical advice to help address any psychosocial or financial needs.Clinical transplant coordinators who play the important role of working closely with patients and donors to facilitate all aspects of the transplant process.Click here to know more about Liver TransplantKnow more We perform the following services at the Department of Liver TransplantDeceased donor liver transplant (Cadaveric liver transplant)Living donor liver transplantPaediatric liver transplantSwap transplantDual lobe liver transplantABO-incompatible (ABM) liver transplantPre-surgical evaluation and consultationPost-surgical rehabilitation All the patients planning for living donor transplants need clearance from the government-appointed authorisation committee. Our administrative staff will help patients and their families understand and prepare various legal forms, affidavits and supporting documents. The transplant team is independent of the authorisation committee and cannot influence its decision. All the cases that have completed both patient and donor evaluations are reviewed by the multi-disciplinary transplant team, where their suitability for transplant is discussed, and a tentative date for transplant surgery is decided. The transplant is scheduled only after obtaining clearance from the authorisation committee. Liver transplant is offered as a package at our institute. It includes pre-transplant workup fees, operation charges and life-long consultation charges for both the patient and the donor. The pre-transplant coordinators will explain expected expenses at various phases, modes of payment, and inclusions and exclusions of the package. Patients with additional risk factors such as kidney or cardio-respiratory problems, those expected to undergo a complex operation, need prolonged intensive care unit (ICU) care or hospitalisation might be offered the high-risk package. Patients undergoing combined liver-kidney transplant, dual lobe liver transplant, ABO incompatible transplant or have Hepatitis B or other diseases require the use of additional expensive medicines, in which case they should discuss with the pre-transplant coordinator regarding the package applicable to them.Patients whose expenses for transplant and post-operative medical care will be borne by the insurance company, employer or embassy should discuss the same with the patient financial liaison or TPA helpdesk, who will guide the patients with the required paperwork. Some insurance companies pay only a part of the package, and the remaining amount has to be arranged by the patient's family. Alcoholic liver diseaseAmoebic liver abscessAdenoma (liver tumours)Angiosarcoma (liver cancer)Alagille syndromeAutoimmune liver diseaseAcute calculous cholecystitisAcute pancreatitisAdenocarcinoma of the pancreasAutoimmune pancreatitisAcute cholecystitisBiliary atresiaBiliary cirrhosisBudd-Chiari syndromeBile duct injuryBile duct stone diseaseBile duct cancerBiliary stricturesBile duct obstruction (related to pancreatic tumours)Biliary colicBile duct fistulaCaroli disease (bile duct malformation)Choledochal cystsCholangiocarcinomaCholangitisCholestasisCirrhosisColorectal metastatic disease (CRM)CholedocholithiasisChronic cholecystitisChronic pancreatitisCystadenomas pancreas (serous and mucinous)CholecystitisCholedocholithiasisCholelithiasisCholecystoenterostomy (fistula between the gallbladder and small intestine)Drug-induced liver injury (D.I.L.I.)Dysplastic nodules (precancerous liver lesions)Duodenal obstruction (related to pancreatic tumours)End-stage liver disease (E.S.L.D.)Epithelioid haemangioendotheliomaExtrahepatic portal vein obstructionFatty liver disease (F.L.D.)Focal nodular hyperplasiaFulminant hepatic failureFibrolamellar HCCFistula (pancreatic)Gallbladder cancerGallbladder stone diseaseGallbladder polypsGallbladder adenomaGallstone pancreatitisGallstone-related complicationsGastric varices (bleeding veins in the stomach)Gastrinoma (a type of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumour)HaemochromatosisHepatic adenomaHepatic angiosarcomaHepatitis A, B, C, D, E viral infectionHepatocellular carcinoma (HCC, liver cancer)Hydatid liver diseaseHepatoblastomaHaemangiomasHaemobiliaHereditary pancreatitisIdiopathic portal hypertension (I.P.H.)Insulinoma (pancreatic tumour affecting the liver)Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (I.P.M.N., bile duct tumors)Iatrogenic bile duct injuryJaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes)Junctional hepatocellular carcinomaJuxtapapillary duodenal diverticulum (related complications)Klatskin tumour (bile duct cancer)Liver abscess (infected liver lesions)Liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma, HCC)Liver cyst (fluid-filled sacs in the liver)Liver flukeLaparoscopic bile duct injuryLiver failure (acute liver failure, ALF)Liver fibrosisMetastatic liver disease (cancer spreading to the liver)Mirizzi syndrome (bile duct obstruction)Metabolic liver diseaseMetastatic pancreatic cancerMultiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) syndromeMucinous cystadenocarcinomaNon-cirrhotic portal fibrosisNeuroendocrine tumours (NET, liver tumours)Necrotizing pancreatitisNecrotizing cholecystitisObstructive jaundice (bile duct blockage)Oesophageal varices (bleeding veins in the oesophagus)Primary biliary cholangitis (P.B.C.)Primary sclerosing cholangitisPolycystic liver diseasePancreatic cancer (affecting the liver)Periampullary cancerPortal hypertension (high blood pressure in the portal vein)Portal vein thrombosisProgressive intrahepatic cholestasisPancreatic adenocarcinomaPancreatic cystsPancreatic DivisumPancreatic ductal adenocarcinomaPancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (P.A.N.I.N.)Pancreatic necrosisPancreatic neuroendocrine tumours (P.N.E.T.S.)PancreatoblastomaPseudocysts (Pancreatic)Pseudopapillary tumours (solid pseudopapillary neoplasm)Perforated gallbladderQuality of life (impacted by liver disease)Quality of life issues related to pancreatic diseases (pain management)Rat (rodenticide) poisoning related liver failureRecurrent acute pancreatitisRecurrent cholecystitisSchistosomiasisSclerosing cholangitis (bile duct inflammation)Sinusoidal obstruction syndromeSteatohepatitis (fatty liver inflammation)Simple liver cystSerous cystadenomaSolid pseudopapillary tumourSomatostatinomaTotal parenteral nutrition-associated liver diseaseToxic liver diseaseTransplant rejectionTrauma (liver injury)Tyrosinemia (liver metabolism disorder)Upper gastrointestinal bleeding (U.G.I.B.)Uncinate process tumoursVascular liver diseaseViral hepatitisVascular complications (related to pancreatic diseases such as thrombosis)Wilson's diseaseXanthogranulomatous cholecystitisXanthogranulomatous pancreatitis (rare form of chronic pancreatitis)Yellow phosphorus poisoning related liver failureZollinger-Ellison syndrome (gastrinoma) Patient Testimonials I am Mohan Gajria, a liver transplant patient, and I am deeply grateful to the team at Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation Hospital for giving me a second chance at life. I received the call that a donor liver was available, and Dr. Prashantha Rao guided me through every detail with utmost care. The surgery was successful, and I had the privilege of being cared for by an exceptional team of doctors, including Dr. Ravi Mohanka, Dr. Ameya Panchwagh, Dr. Mitul Shah, Dr. Akash Shukla, Dr. Amit Gupte, Dr. Mihir Vora, and Dr. Sandeep, who were always available during my 15-day hospital stay.I especially want to thank Dr. Mihir Vora, my consultant for over 4 years, who has been a constant support in managing my health, day or night. His dedication and quick responses have been invaluable.Today, 28 months post-transplant, I feel healthier than ever and can live my life fully, thanks to the continuous care of the entire team. My experience with Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation Hospital has been exceptional, and I consider it one of the best hospitals in the country. Thank you to all the doctors and staff for their unwavering support.~Mohan Gajria I, Suchendra Singhvi, would like to share my experience during and after my liver transplant. I was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis in July 2021, and my condition worsened until May 2023 when I was able to proceed with the transplant. I am incredibly grateful to my brother, Ravindra Singhvi (the liver donor), Dr. Ravi Mohanka’s surgical team, and Dr. Akash Shukla’s hepatology team for their exceptional care. Both my brother and I were in the best hands. The doctors, ICU staff, and hospital team took excellent care of us, and words cannot fully express my gratitude for their services.Thanks to their guidance, I was back to normal life within 2–3 months after the surgery. It’s been 15 months now, and I am completely healthy with no issues. My heartfelt thanks to my brother, Dr. Ravi Mohanka, Dr. Akash Shukla, and the entire hospital staff for granting me a second chance at life.~Suchendra Singhvi My experience at Reliance Hospital has been one of a kind. The best was the doctor-patient relationship that I had experienced. The doctors here are very knowledgeable and care for their patients a lot. The liver transplant process was easy and I recovered fast. Since the moment I registered for the transplant to the day of transplant and till date, they have always monitored my progress with keen attention and have answered even the silliest doubts I had. The staff as well are very polite. While I was in the ICU, the staff took great care of me and pushed me when I lost my confidence. The ambiance and cleanliness at the hospital is also something which needs appreciation.My overall experience throughout these years has been pretty amazing that anyone who asks me, I always recommend Reliance Foundation Hospital. Contact Us For scheduling appointments, please call the following numbers:1-800-221-166 /1-800-890-1111In case of emergency, kindly contact the following numbers, which are available 24X7:022-61305005/35475757 Partners in care Ravi Mohanka Director Liver Transplant Arvinder Singh Soin Mentor Liver Transplant Gaurav Gupta Co-Director Liver Transplant Bindu Mulakavalupil Chief Intensivist Critical Care, Liver Transplant Deepali Dahale Consultant Liver Transplant Prashant Kadam Senior Consultant Liver Transplant Saurabh Kamat Consultant Liver Transplant Vijay Waman Dhakre Consultant Liver Transplant