ENT Home Care Centres Speciality Department ENT Overview The Otolaryngology or Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) Department at Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation Hospital and Research Centre is one of the best in India. Our multispecialty healthcare team of physicians, surgeons, therapists, rehabilitators, and support staff provides world-class ENT treatments and surgeries. Using state-of-the-art medical facilities, utmost importance is given to ensure patient care excellence.Location: Level 1, Heritage BuildingTimings: 08:00 am to 08:00 pm Request An Appointment Fill in the details below and our advisor will get in touch with you in the next 24 hours Name * Email * Mobile * Enquire For * Location * I consent to receive communications and share my personal data, as per the Terms & Conditions * Captcha Get new captcha! What code is in the image? Enter the characters shown in the image. Our Technology Rigorous planning has gone into providing the best infrastructure and cutting-edge technology to ensure optimal patient benefit. Our operation theatres use state-of-the-art technology, and our blood bank, laboratory, and radiology services are the best. Our department collaborates with other departments at the hospital to provide head and neck, oncology, neurosurgery, plastic surgery, and dental surgery support in order to provide multi-disciplinary patient-centric care. Our technology and infrastructure cater to all age groups and follow international guidelines and standards.PTA: It is the primary test to assess hearing and identify the cause of hearing disorders.Impedance audiometry: This test evaluates the functioning of the eardrum and the middle ear space behind the eardrum, in addition to investigating the muscle reflex of the ear.Speech audiometry: This test helps audiologists determine a patient's ability to discriminate speech sounds and recognise speech.Newborn hearing screening: This is a quick and safe way to determine if your baby can hear sounds needed for speech and language development.Oto-acoustic emissions: OAE is an appropriate hearing screening tool for children from birth to three years of age. It is also used along with other tests to diagnose various hearing problems.Automated auditory brainstem response: An AABR screen is performed as a part of newborn hearing screening protocol to know the hearing status of the baby.Visual reinforcement audiometry: VRA allows audiologists to assess hearing in toddlers too young for conventional; audiometric testing. It involves training the child to associate sounds with visual reward, making it engaging and effective way to assess hearing.Behavioural observation audiometry: BOA is used estimate hearing of infants and young children. It involves observing the behavioural response of the child to various sounds.Conditioned play audiometry: CPA allows audiologists to test the hearing of young children and pre-schoolers in a playful manner.Brainstem evoked response audiometry (BERA): Air conduction and bone conduction BERA is used to estimate a person’s hearing. The test involves recording the response that travels from the ear towards the brain when a sound is heard.High frequency audiometry: This is helpful when testing hearing impairments caused as side effects from medication, noise exposure, and loud sound exposure.Tinnitus evaluation and retraining therapy: This modality evaluates buzzing and ringing sounds in the ear (tinnitus). Tinnitus retraining therapy is a promising strategy for tinnitus treatment, involving counselling and sound therapy to get people habituated to the tinnitus/ringing sound in the ear.Vestibular evoked myogenic potential: VEMP is a read-out of muscle responses to loud acoustic stimulation. It is used to test patients suffering from dizziness.Hearing aid trial, fitting and dispensing: This process ensures that appropriate hearing aids are selected, adjusted and customised to meet the needs of the person with hearing loss. It involves several steps, such as assessment, selection, customisation, and follow-up care.Aided audiogram: This involves performing audiometry with the hearing aid or cochlear implant to know the benefit associated with the hearing aid or cochlear implant.Bone anchored hearing aid: BAHA is a surgically implantable system for certain types of hearing loss. It is the only implantable device that can be tried before surgery.Cochlear implant candidacy and evaluation: Cochlear implants are implantable electronic devices that improve hearing. They are suitable for individuals for whom conventional hearing aids may offer limited improvement. Cochlear implant candidacy evaluations require extensive investigations to determine whether a person can be a candidate for cochlear implant.Cochlear implant switch-on and mapping: Around two weeks after implant surgery, the cochlear implant sound processor(s) will be fitted and activated (the 'switch-on'). Mapping refers to the process of programming your cochlear implant sound processor.Auditory verbal therapy: AVT is a specialised approach to teach children with hearing loss to use hearing along with hearing aids or cochlear implants to develop spoken language. Our Services Otology Otology is a subspecialty of ENT medicine focused on the study, diagnosis, and treatment of conditions related to ears.The common ear-related complaints presented by patients are reduced hearing, discharge from the ears, earache, fullness or blocked sensation in the ears, and itching in the ears. These symptoms might be associated with a history of trauma, air travel, fever, ringing in the ears, giddiness, or swelling around the ears.With a dedicated team of professionals committed to delivering personalised care, our hospital is at the forefront of cochlear implant technology. We prioritise thorough assessments, comprehensive pre-implant counselling, and ongoing support to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients.Conditions We TreatImpacted cerumenOtitis externaMalignant otitis externaAcute otitis mediaOtitis media with effusionChronic suppurative otitis mediaCholesteatomaOtosclerosisBarotraumaPre-auricular sinus and abscessPerichondritisKeratotis obturansVertigoEmergency:Ear trauma and bleedSuturing of lacerationsForeign body removalSudden sensorineural hearing lossExaminationsPhysical examination using an otoscope, microscope, or endoscopeTuning fork testHearing test (pure-tone audiometry; PTA)Tympanogram (impedance audiogram)InvestigationsEar discharge for staining, culture, and sensitivityTemporal bone HRCT (high-resolution computed tomography)Temporal bone MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)BiopsyBlood testsProceduresOur hospital has a team of highly qualified and dedicated ENT specialists who perform a variety of surgical procedures using state-of-the-art medical technology. These include:Removal of cerumen (wax in the ear canal)Myringotomy with or without insertion of grommet (puncturing of the eardrum to insert a ventilation tube)Tympanoplasty: Repair of the ear drumMastoidectomy: Surgery to eradicate disease in mastoidOssiculoplasty: Repair/reconstruction of ear bones to improve hearingStapedotomy/Stapedectomy: Replacing non-functioning stapes (smallest bone in the ear) with a prosthesisExcision of pre-auricular sinusReconstruction of ear pinnaIntratympanic injection for sudden hearing lossEndoscopic ear surgeryBiopsy: For diagnosing tumours and connective tissue disordersCochlear implants Rhinology Rhinology is a subspecialty of ENT medicine focused on the study, diagnosis, and treatment of conditions related to the nose. Common complaints include nasal blockage, sneezing, runny nose, nasal discharge, nasal bleeding, headache, trauma, and visual disturbance.Conditions We TreatDeviated nasal septumAcute and chronic rhino sinusitisNasal polyposisAllergic rhinitisNasal bleeding (epistaxis)Nasal bone fractureMalignancy of paranasal sinus, nasal cavityCSF rhinorrhoeaInvestigationsBlood testsComplete blood count (СВС)Computed tomography (CT) paranasal sinus (PNS)Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)Nasal culture/swabs (collecting a sample for laboratory analysis)Allergy testing (comprehensive allergy panel testing, skin prick testing)Non-surgical proceduresNasal packing/nasal bleeding managementNasal cleaning/suctioning (endoscope-guided)Surgical proceduresNasal biopsy: Sample taken from the nasal tissue for investigationNasal foreign body removal: Extracting objects lodged in the nasal cavityNasal one fracture reduction: Correction of nasal bone fractureSeptoplasty (endoscopic): Correcting a deviated septum to improve airflowEndoscopic sinus surgery: Removing nasal polyps and improving sinus drainageBalloon sinuplasty: Using a balloon catheter to open blocked sinus passagesTurbinoplasty/turbinectomy: Reducing the size of the nasal turbinate to enhance breathingRhinoplasty: Cosmetic surgery to improve nose shapeCerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak repair (endoscopic)Optic nerve decompression: Releasing swelling- or trauma-induced pressure over the optic nerve Voice & Swallow Laryngology, or voice and swallowing conditions, refers to a broad range of conditions and disorders that affect a person's ability to speak or perform normal daily activities, such as eating and drinking. Vocal professionals, like singers, teachers, public speakers, and sales people, are more prone to voice-related issues, such as changes/hoarseness of voice, inability to reach high pitch while singing, and sore throat. Such cases require a multi-disciplinary approach, which is provided by our multispecialty hospital, to ensure patient-centric care. Our Voice and Swallow Team manages conditions related to the larynx (voice box), in addition to other voice and swallow disorders, such as breathing or swallowing difficulties, coughing or gagging, regurgitation, frequent heartburn, and even severe conditions like laryngeal cancer. Treatment may include medications, voice therapy, or minimally invasive surgery.Conditions We TreatLaryngitis (acute and chronic)Granuloma/contact ulcerReinke's oedemaScarring and sulcus vocalisVascular lesions such as vocal haemorrhage and varixLaryngeal papillomatosisSpasmodic dysphoniaVocal cord paralysisVocal fold cancerNeurogenic disordersSpasmodic dysphonia (voice changes related to the brain and nervous system, or muscle dysfunction)PuberphoniaPolyps, nodules, or cysts on the vocal cordsPrecancerous and cancerous growthsLeucoplakia (white patches)Vocal cord scarringAchalasiaOesophageal spasmOesophageal tumoursOesophageal ringGERD: Regurgitation of stomach acid into the oesophagus can damage oesophageal tissuesScleroderma: This causes frequent heartburnNeurological disorders: Diseases such as multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, and Parkinson's disease can cause dysphagiaNeurological damage: Sudden neurological damage caused by conditions, such as stroke or a brain or spinal cord injury, can affect the ability to swallowPharyngoesophageal diverticulum (also known as Zenker diverticulum)Complications due to difficult or problematic swallowingAspiration pneumonia: Caused by bacteria that enter the lungs through the airway along with food or liquid during swallowingEmergency:Foreign body removalTraumaAngioedemaAnaphylaxisExaminationsPhysical examination and history-takingThorough evaluation by a speech-language/swallow therapistLaryngoscopy (rigid or flexible): Examination of the voice boxVideostroboscopy: Use of strobe lights to view vocal cord vibrations in slow motion to assess vocal cord functionInvestigationsFlexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES): To assess the swallowing function as food and beverages pass through the throatNarrow band imagingElectromyographyTransnasal esophagoscopyVideofluoroscopic evaluation of swallowingNeck ultrasonography (USG)CTMRIBarium swallowBlood testsProceduresMicrolaryngoscopy (conventional or laser-assisted): Minimally invasive surgery for benign (noncancerous) entities like polyps or nodulesInjection laryngoplasty: Injecting Botulinum, collagen, or other gel fillers to temporarily manage vocal cord paralysis or muscle weaknessLaryngoplasty and thyroplasty: For improving muscle attachment to the vocal cords to improve their functionLaryngectomy and laryngeal reconstruction surgeryBiopsy: For examining any suspected mass or lesion and to help diagnose granulomatous or autoimmune disordersCO2 laser surgery: For vocal cord cysts or nodules and cancer treatment.CO2 and potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP) laser treatment: For removing vocal cord lesions while preserving the nearby healthy tissueSpasmodic dysphoniaVocal cord medialisation and lateralisationPhonosurgeryMass excision with co-ablationEndoscopic surgeryTransoral laser microsurgerySubglotic and tracheal stenosis surgery: endoscopic conventional and balloon dilationProfessional voice-modulation surgeryPost-radiation therapy: This treatment can lead to inflammation and scarring of the oesophagus Head and Neck Common head- and neck-related complaints include pain, headaches, neck swelling, oral cavity ulcers, restricted mouth opening, facial swelling, proptosis, epiphora, epistaxis, clear fluid discharge from the nose, oral cavity lesions, haemoptysis, hematemesis, loss of smell or vision, and personality changes. These conditions require detailed history taking by the ENT specialist followed by a meticulous ear, nose, and throat examination.ExaminationsPhysical examination of the ears, nose, and throatNasal endoscopyFlexible laryngoscopyNeck examinationInvestigationsUSGCTMRIFNACBiopsyHPESurgical proceduresThyroidectomy: For benign and malignant conditions of the thyroid (multinodular goitre, papillary carcinoma of thyroid, follicular neoplasm of thyroid)Parotidectomy: Superficial and deep lobe for parotid tumours (pleomorphic adenoma, Warthin’s tumour, adenoid cystic carcinoma)Submandibular gland excision: For benign and malignant conditions of the submandibular gland (pleomorphic adenoma, mucoepidermoid carcinoma, submandibular sialolithiasis)Sialendoscopy: For sialadenitis, sialectasis and sialolithiasisSistrunk operation: For thyroglossal cyst and sinusMaxillectomy: For paranasal sinus tumours (carotid artery, maxilla)Excision of oral swellings (leukoplakia, mucous retention cyst)Tracheostomy: For stridor (respiratory distress due to growth in airways)Tracheoplasty: For airway stenosis (resection and end-to-end anastomosis of stenotic airway)Laryngectomy: For laryngeal cancerDrainage of retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal abscesses (deep neck space infections)Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy (recurrent tonsillitis and adenoid hypertrophy)Sleep apnoea surgeries (uvulopalatoplasty, tongue base reduction, epiglottis trimming)Choanal atresia surgery (congenital nasal anomaly)Transsphenoidal pituitary tumour excision (pituitary adenoma, pituitary apoplexy, prolactinoma)Optic nerve decompression (traumatic)Orbital decompression for thyroid eye diseaseForeign body removal from ear, nose, trachea, and oesophagus (bronchoscopy, esophagoscopy)CSF rhinorrhoea repair (repair of a defect in brain covering) Paediatric ENT The Paediatric ENT Department at Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation Hospital provides expert care for children with a wide range of ear, nose, and throat conditions. With a team of skilled paediatric ENT specialists, surgeons, audiologists, and nurses, we deliver personalised treatment plans that prioritise the well-being of each child. Our approach ensures the highest standard of care in a supportive, child-friendly environment, where every child’s unique needs are met with compassion and expertise.Know more Speech, language, and swallowing therapy The programmes for speech, language, and swallowing therapy at Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation Hospital include:Speech and Language Development Programme: The Speech and Language Therapy Programme is recommended for children with speech and language disorders, delays, and disabilities. The children receive high-quality evaluations, coordinated multi-disciplinary healthcare, and interventions with state-of-the-art medical technology to support their physical, emotional, social, and academic development.Articulation and Phonological Intervention Clinic: This programme is for children and adults with difficulties in producing speech sounds or groups of speech sounds that persist beyond the typical period of speech development and/or result in difficulty understanding speech. This programme includes screening, assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of persons with speech sound disorders. Latest evidence-based methods, such as oral placement therapy, are used as interventions.Voice Clinic: This programme is for singers, actors, TV news broadcasters, telemarketing agents, teachers, and other professionals who use their voice to perform their jobs. Additionally, it is also useful for patients with neurological conditions or those experiencing the side effect of treatments such as radiation therapy for cancer. This programme includes diagnosis and management of patients with voice disorders like dysphonia, puberphonia, and presbyphonia (voice).Neurocommunication Disorder Clinic: This programme is for patients experiencing speech and language difficulties post brain injury or as complications of neuroprogressive disorders such as Parkinson’s disease. The Speech, Language, and Swallowing Therapists will assess and recommend exercises to help the patient regain/improve lost functions. We also offer the Lee Silverman Voice Therapy Programme for patients with Parkinson's disease.Augmentative and Alternative Communication Intervention: Alternative and Augmentative Communications are a set of strategies, methods, and devices to assist people who are unable to meet their communication needs through speech or writing.Stuttering Intervention: Stuttering is a complex disorder. This programme includes a multi-modal approach to bring about the behavioural changes needed to achieve improvements that will be integrated into daily life.Onco-rehabilitation: For patients with head and neck tumours, assessment and treatment are offered at various stages of therapy, i.e. pre-surgery, post-surgery, during radiation, and post-radiation.Swallowing Clinic: Dysphagia, i.e., difficulty in swallowing, can occur as a result of neurological conditions, oncological conditions, or developmental disabilities. We provide detailed assessments, including bedside clinical assessment, FEES, and Modified Barium Swallow.Other programmes, such as muscle strengthening programme, electrical stimulation, vital Stim, and diet modification, are used with appropriate patient education to achieve safe and efficient swallowing. Audiology We provide comprehensive audiological services and specialise in identifying, diagnosing, treating, and monitoring the disorders of the auditory and vestibular systems, such as hearing loss, tinnitus, and balance disorders. We provide hearing aids, manage and rehabilitate individuals with hearing loss, and assess candidacy for hearing implants, such as cochlear implants and bone conduction implants.Hearing Aid ClinicIn the Hearing Aid Clinic, we provide awareness regarding the prevention of hearing loss. We also provide counselling on hearing loss and hearing aid trial, fitting, and troubleshooting. Our team of audiologists brings extensive experience and expertise to provide the highest standard of care. We provide customised gadgets utilising cutting-edge technology for optimal fitting and comprehensive counselling to guide individuals through the adjustment and rehabilitation process. We provide individualised rehabilitation programmes enhanced by advanced auditory training tools to ensure the achievement of optimal hearing potential. From initial assessments to ongoing support, our clinic offers a continuum of care to address all aspects of hearing health.Hearing Aid Clinic services include:Hearing assessments: Our clinic provides thorough hearing assessments conducted by skilled audiologists. These evaluations help determine the extent of hearing loss, enabling us to create personalised treatment plans.Consultations: Our team attempts to understand each patient's unique needs, lifestyle, and communication preferences. Through detailed consultations, we guide individuals in selecting the most suitable hearing aid options.Hearing aid fittings: Precise and comfortable fittings are crucial for optimal hearing aid performance. Our audiologists ensure that the chosen devices are custom-programmed and adjusted to meet the individual requirements of each patient.Trial periods: We offer trial periods for selected hearing aids, allowing patients to experience the benefits in real-life situations before making a final decision. This ensures satisfaction and confidence in their chosen devices.Follow-up care: Our commitment extends beyond the initial fitting. We provide ongoing support, adjustments, and follow-up appointments to address any concerns, ensuring that patients continue to optimally enjoy their hearing aids. Partners in care Smita Nagaonkar Section Coordinator & Lead-Voice & Swallow Disorders ENT Anagha A. Joshi Consultant ENT Bachi T. Hathiram Lead-Laryngotracheal Airway Disease & Neurotology ENT Jyoti Dabholkar Consultant ENT Kanti N. Patel Consultant ENT Lajja Shah Consultant-Speech & Swallow Therapist ENT, Sports Rehabilitation Latika Prabhu Consultant ENT Nishit J Shah Lead-Skull Base Surgery ENT Prabodh Karnik Consultant ENT Priya Baviskar Consultant ENT Vicky S. Khattar Consultant ENT