Paediatric ENT Home Care Centres Centre of Paediatric Excellence Paediatric ENT Overview The Paediatric ENT Department at Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation Hospital provides expert care for children with a wide range of ear, nose, and throat conditions. With a team of skilled paediatric ENT specialists, surgeons, audiologists, and nurses, we deliver personalised treatment plans that prioritise the well-being of each child. Our approach ensures the highest standard of care in a supportive, child-friendly environment, where every child’s unique needs are met with compassion and expertise.We understand that ENT issues can significantly affect a child’s quality of life, from hearing difficulties and speech delays to breathing problems and recurrent infections. That’s why we focus on early diagnosis, advanced treatment options, and minimally invasive procedures to address both common and complex conditions. Whether it’s managing chronic ear infections, treating sleep apnoea, or performing specialised surgeries, our team is committed to delivering effective, evidence-based care.At every step of the journey, we are focused on the well-being of the child and the family, offering guidance and support. Through innovation, research, and a compassionate approach, we aim to improve outcomes, restore health, and enhance the lives of our young patients. Request An Appointment Fill in the details below and our advisor will get in touch with you in the next 24 hours Name * Email * Mobile * Enquire For * Location * I consent to receive communications and share my personal data, as per the Terms & Conditions * Captcha Get new captcha! What code is in the image? Enter the characters shown in the image. Conditions we Treat Our Service Acute otitis media, serous otitis media, chronic suppurative and non-suppurative otitis mediaTonsillitis and adenoid hypertrophy: Infection and inflammation of tonsils and adenoidsAllergic rhinitisSinusitisEpistaxis or nasal bleedObstructive sleep apnoea: Disturbed sleep with intermittent apnoeic episodesSpeech and language disordersCleft palate and lipForeign body in nose or earsPre-auricular sinus or cystLoss of hearing since birth or childhood InvestigationsBlood testsPTAIMPEDANCEOAEBERASpeech discrimination scoreX-rayCTMRIUltrasonographyNon-surgical proceduresControl of epistaxisSleep study for obstructive sleep apnoeaSpeech therapy for speech and language disordersSurgical proceduresTonsillectomy and adenoidectomyExcision of pre-auricular sinus or cystMyringotomy and grommet insertionTympanoplasty/tympanomastoidectomyCochlear implantBone anchored hearing aidCleft palate and cleft lip repairForeign body removal