Gastroenterology & GI Endoscopy Home Care Centres Institute of Gastro Sciences Gastroenterology & GI Endoscopy Overview The newly established ‘Institute of Gastrosciences’ at Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation Hospital is a centre which delivers comprehensive care for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of digestive disorders. Equipped with state-of-art technology and renowned GI specialists of international repute, the institute provides compassionate clinical services to individuals from the entire strata of society, regardless of their financial status. Our Vision The vision of the Institute of Gastrosciences at Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation Hospital is to be a centre of excellence in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of digestive diseases. By combining high-end clinical care, cutting-edge technology with compassionate attitude, this centre aims to advance GUT health for individuals across all socioeconomic backgrounds. Through innovation, research, and education, the institute aspires to set new standards in gastroenterological care, GI endoscopy and patient outcomes.Location: 3rd Floor, Tower BuildingTimings: 8 am – 8 pm Request An Appointment Fill in the details below and our advisor will get in touch with you in the next 24 hours Name * Email * Mobile * Enquire For * Location * I consent to receive communications and share my personal data, as per the Terms & Conditions * Captcha Get new captcha! What code is in the image? Enter the characters shown in the image. About Us Specialities Our Services Our Technology Conditions we treat The “Institute of Gastrosciences” is equipped with the most advanced endoscopic technology in the world and is supported by a team of highly skilled, experienced & renowned GI specialists as well as supporting staff. The institute’s broad range of services ensures accurate diagnosis and management of all problems associated with the digestive tract, including the oesophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, liver, gall bladder, bile duct and pancreas.Additionally, the institute serves as a centre of excellence for training in advanced GI endoscopy welcoming professionals from across India and abroad.InfrastructureSeven state-of the-art diagnostic endoscopy suites fitted with the world’s most advanced endoscopic equipment, including zoom, high resolution, high magnification and artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, aiding our consultants in the early detection of GI cancers.Three cutting-edge interventional endoscopy suites designed for complex procedures, including advanced endoscopic surgical procedures, such as advanced endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), third space endoscopy, and bariatric endoscopy.A fully equipped 28 -bed pre- and post-recovery ward with multiple nursing stations to ensure optimal patient care during procedures and performing day-care therapy.A dedicated post procedure counselling room for one-to-one discussion between the patients/relatives and our consultants. Specialty Divisions and Services of the InstituteDivision of clinical gastroenterology (This is a division where the gastroenterologists from our team practice non-interventional clinical gastroenterology and an opinion is given after clinically examining the patient and then medications are prescribed)Division of biliary and pancreatic endoscopy (This division is a focussed for issues related to the bile duct or pancreas like bile duct stones, bile duct strictures, pancreatic duct stones or strictures)Division of endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) (In this division, our specialists can perform diagnostic EUS for the diagnosis and staging of various pathologies and also interventional EUS to perform advanced therapy under EUS guidance).Division of flexible endoscopic surgery (This is a specialised division wherein our team of doctors perform 3rd space endoscopic procedures, like as peroral endoscopic myotomy [POEM] for achalasia cardia, gastric POEM [G-POEM] for gastroparesis, Zenker’s diverticulum POEM [Z-POEM] for Zenker’s diverticulum, diverticular POEM [D-POEM] for an epiphrenic diverticulum, endoscopic mucosal resection [EMR] for the endoscopic resection of flat lateral spreading tumors of the gut, endoscopic submucosal dissection [ESD] for the endoscopic resection of early cancers, submucosal tunnelling endoscopic resection [STER] for the endoscopic resection of submucosal tumors, endoscopic full thickness resection [EFTR] for deeper tumors, and anti-reflux procedures like ARMS and GERDx for performing an anti-reflux therapy in patients having PPI dependent GERD)Division of bariatric endoscopy (This is a specialised division for patients wanting to lose weight non-surgically. In this division our specialists perform procedures like, Gastric balloon placement and endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG).Division of lithotripsy (In this division, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy [ESWL] is performed for powdering stones in the pancreas and bile duct without any external cut on the body)Division of GI motility (Here, procedures like high resolution manometry (HRM), pH metry, and Impedence planimetry using EndoFlip is done to measure the motility of the esophagus)Division of endoscopy training (This division has the world’s latest endoscopy simulator wherein the trainee doctors can learn endoscopy on the cyberscope)Division of clinical research and academics (In this division, clinical and basic research is carried out to improve patient outcomes and results)Division of community service, preventive gastroenterology, and GI wellness (This is a very important division wherein our doctors reach out to the community to conduct camps for screening of GUT problems, deliver talks to the lay people on how to look after their GUT health and also run a GUT wellness centre to measure existing GUT health and provide information on how to maintain GUT wellness.Speciality Clinics of the InstituteThese clinics are run on separate days of the week where patients can consult our expert consultants. The clinic are as follows:Acidity clinicConstipation clinicJaundice clinicPancreas clinicIrritable bowel syndrome (IBS) clinicInflammatory bowel disease (IBD) clinicNeurogastroenterology clinicStone clinic (gall bladder, bile duct & pancreas stones)Gastrointestinal (GI) preventive and wellness clinic The Institute of Gastrosciences houses a range of specialised clinics and divisions designed to provide focused care for various digestive health conditions.Each clinic is equipped with advanced technology and staffed by expert consultants to ensure comprehensive diagnosis, treatment and management tailored to individual patient needs.Diagnostic endoscopy: The upper GI endoscopy, or gastroscopy, examines the oesophagus, stomach, and proximal duodenum. Lower GI endoscopy focuses on the terminal ileum and colon. Enteroscopy (spiral or double balloon) is used to examine the entire small intestine.Interventional upper GI endoscopy: Procedures include foreign body removal, oesophageal dilatation, endotherapy for oesophageal & gastric varices, oesophageal polyp removal, oesophageal stenting for advanced malignancy, argon plasma coagulation (APC) for gastric antral vascular ectasia, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG), injection, APC & clipping for bleeding ulcers, duodenal stenting for malignant gastric outlet obstruction, and balloon dilatation for benign gastric outlet obstructionsInterventional lower GI endoscopy: Procedures include colonic polypectomy, colonic APC, balloon dilatation of post anastomotic colonic strictures, colonic stenting for advanced obstructing malignancy, colonic decompression for pseudo-obstruction, and treatment of bleeding internal hemorrhoidsInterventional ERCP: Procedures include removal of bile duct stones, intraductal cholangioscopy with LASER for large bile duct stones, removal of pancreatic duct stones, intraductal pancreatoscopy with LASER for large pancreatic duct stones, plastic and metal stenting for benign or malignant bile duct obstruction, and pancreatic duct stenting for pancreatic duct stricturesEUS: EUS is performed for diagnosis and staging of malignancies, FNAC/FNAB for tissue diagnosis, EUS guided biliary and pancreatic drainage, EUS-guided pseudocyst drainage, EUS-guided gastro-jejunostomy, EUS guided gallbladder drainage, and EUS guided aspiration of extraluminal collections3rd Space Endoscopy: Procedures include POEM (Peroral endoscopic myotomy) for achalasia cardia, G-POEM (Gastric pyloromyotomy) for gastric outlet obstruction, Z-POEM (Zenker’s septotomy), D-POEM (Epiphrenic diverticular septotomy), STER (Submucosal tunnelling endoscopic resection) of subepithelial tumours, EFTR (Endoscopic full thickness resection) of tumours, EMR (Endoscopic mucosal resection) of flat superficial lesions, and ESD (Endoscopic submucosal dissection) of early cancers.Bariatric endoscopy. Procedures include endoscopic balloon placement, endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG), and transoral outlet reduction (TORe).Lithotripsy (ESWL). ESWL is performed for pancreatic stones and difficult bile duct stones. Cutting-edge technology available at the Institute of Gastrosciences ensures precision in diagnosis and treatment. Some of the advanced technology installed at the institute are as follows:World’s latest endoscopic equipment with Artificial intelligence (AI), image enhancement, image magnification & zoom technology for detection of early cancers of the digestive tractUltra-high-qualityreal-time X-ray imaging systems for accurate assessment of the pathology during advanced proceduresAdvanced energy delivery platforms for enabling precise dissection during endoscopic surgical procedures5th generation capsule endoscope for visualizing the entire small intestine accuratelySpecialized enteroscopes for diagnosis and treatment of small intestinal problemsBreath tests for detecting H. Pylori infection or small bowel bacterial overgrowthAdvanced solid-state manometry systems to detect motility problems of the oesophagus and the anal sphincterAdvanced endoscope disinfecting machines for making the endoscopic procedure safe for the patientsFibroscan for measuring stiffness of the liverAdvanced technologies that are unique to this region, patients wanting to avail these innovative facilities now need not go abroad; they are available in our country itself:Thulium LASER technology, enabling precise treatment of large bile duct and pancreatic stones with minimal invasiveness.Dornier Delta III Pro, Shock wave lithotripsy machine (ESWL), for crushing stones in the pancreatic duct without surgery.Endoflip impedance planimetry system, providing real-time measurement of distensibility during procedures such as POEMArtificial intelligence AI-powered high resolution X-ray machines, supporting advanced procedures for biliary and pancreatic system with exceptional accuracy. Common symptoms and conditions for which patients should avail services of the institute:Loss of appetiteAchlasiaAcidityGERDGastritisGas and bloatingLump in the abdomenStomach PainJaundicePancreatitisUlcerative ColitisConstipationDiarrhoea or dysenteryUnexplained weight loss along-with stomach complaintsVomiting of blood or bleeding per rectum Contact Us Please contact the Institute of Gastrosciences, Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation Hospital and Research Centre for appointment at:+91 84484 40277, +91 75061 58512, +91 98673 03277, +1800 890 1111 Partners in care Amit Maydeo Chairman Gastroenterology Chetan Bhatt Mentor Gastroenterology Amol Vadgaonkar Consultant Gastroenterology Ankit Dalal Consultant Gastroenterology Gaurav Kumar Patil Consultant Gastroenterology Priyanka Udawat Consultant - Paediatric Gastroenterology, Preventive Healthcare and Wellness Gastroenterology, Paediatric Hepatology & Gastroenterology Sameer Gaggar Consultant Gastroenterology Sanil Parekh Consultant Gastroenterology