Ataxia Home A-Z Health Information Health Library A-Z Ataxia Overview Ataxia is a neurological disorder that causes imbalance while walking or incoordination while using hands and legs. It may be due to disorders of cerebellum and its pathways. Causes Toxins such as- alcohol, drugs like phenytoin and lithium, mercury, cyanide, and othersVascular- ischemic or haemorrhagic strokeInflammatory- demyelinating disordersMalignancy- primary brain tumours/ metastasis/ paraneoplastic syndromesInfections- herpes/ measlesNeuro-degenerative diseases like Multiple System Atrophy Cerebellar type (MSA-C) and Spinocerebellar Ataxias (SCAs)Nutritional- vitamin E deficiency, Wernicke’s encephalopathyLoss of joint position sense secondary to involvement of peripheral nerves or spinal cordChronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathyParaproteinemic neuropathyDisorders of metabolism- Refsum’s diseaseSensory ganglionopathy- paraneoplastic or Sjogren’s syndromeSpinal cord disorder- spondylosis or demyelination Risk factors Excessive and chronic alcohol intakeHypothyroidism/hypoparathyroidismCeliac disease (an illness due to immune reaction to gluten)Sarcoidosis (a disease that causes inflammatory cells to build up in parts of the body)Multiple system atrophyMultiple sclerosisIntake of anti-seizure sedatives and medicationsCancer-triggered paraneoplastic syndromeExposure to heavy metals (mercury or lead) or solvents (paint thinner)Deficiency of vitamin E, B6, B12, or B1Getting too much vitamin B-6 Specialist to approach Neurologist Diagnosis Physical and neurological examsBlood testsGenetic testingImaging studies Treatment Treatment is based on the underlying conditions