Benign prostate enlargement or hyperplasia (BPE or BPH) Home A-Z Health Information Health Library A-Z Benign Prostate Enlargement or Hyperplasia (BPE or BPH) Overview This is a common, non-cancerous condition that may occur as a patient grows older. It is characterised by an enlargement of the prostate and is typically accompanied by urinary discomfort. Symptoms The symptoms of BPE/H are as follows:Increased frequency of urinationBladder urgency, which is a strong, sudden need to urinateNocturia, increased frequency of urination at nightPoor urinary flowStraining during urinationStopping and starting during urination or an intermittent urine streamFeeling of incomplete urinationBurning sensation during urination, accompanied by fever or chillsBladder stones Diagnosis BPE can be diagnosed via the following investigations:Digital rectal examination: A healthcare professional will manually palpitate the area around the prostrate and assess its statusUltrasound KUB: An ultrasound examination of the kidneys, ureters, and bladderUroflowmetry: A test that measures the speed, amount, and duration of urinationSerum PSA: A blood test that checks for a protein produced by the prostate glandUrinalysis: A common urine test Treatment The following treatments are available for BPE:Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP): This surgical procedure involves removing a portion of the prostate gland. We offer both monopolar and bipolar TURPLaser enucleation (LEP): A pulsed laser beam is used to remove tissue from within the prostate. It is a minimally invasive procedure. We offer LEP using two types of lasers (HoLEP and ThuLEP)Laser vaporisation: A high-power green light laser is used to remove tissue from the prostate gland