Central nervous system infections Home A-Z Health Information Health Library A-Z Central Nervous System Infections Overview CNS infections are the infections affecting the brain, spinal cord, or their covering (meninges). These can be caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites. They are more commonly seen in immunocompromised individuals and also in immunocompetent persons. Causes Bacteria- streptococcus pneumoniae, H. influenzae, mycobacterium tuberculosisViruses- enterovirus, herpesvirusFungi- candida, aspergillus, cryptococcusParasites- plasmodium, toxoplasma and others Risk factors Preexisting conditions like diabetes, liver cirrhosis, stroke, and chronic alcohol abuseHead trauma and injuries to the spinal cordExtrinsic contamination during neurosurgical procedures, cerebrospinal fluid leakage, and drainage tube placementImmunocompromised states including end-stage HIV, systemic chemotherapy, and hereditary immunologic disordersOther factors including congenital malformations, implanted medical devices, and breaches of the blood-brain barrier Symptoms FeverHeadacheStiff neckAltered sensoriumSeizuresParalysis Specialist to approach Neurologist Diagnosis Blood tests- abnormal WBC count, blood culturesCSF examination- altered cell count, protein and sugar ratio.MRI/ CT scan Treatment Antimicrobial therapy (antibacterial/ antiviral/ antifungal)Supportive care (fluid and pain management)Surgery is sometimes warranted in case of mass effect caused due to abscess