Cluster headache Home A-Z Health Information Health Library A-Z Cluster Headache Overview Cluster headache refers to a trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia affecting middle-aged males. It is a unilateral (on one side) excruciating headache and tends to recur during a particular time of the year and continues for a few days to a few months. Causes The exact cause is unknownSudden release of histamines or serotonin Risk factors Family historySmokingAlcohol consumptionMale sexHead trauma Symptoms Rapid onset headache, reaching maximum intensity within 5–10 minutesAlways occurs on the same sideLasts for 30–90 minutesAttacks often recur approximately during the similar times in the day and around same time of the yearAttacks continue for 2 weeks to 3 months and the patient remains pain free between these periodsSevere pain around the eye associated with redness, tearing, nasal discharge, forehead and facial sweating with change in skin colour on the side of the headacheOccasionally associated with drooping of eyelid Specialist to approach Neurologist Diagnosis Clinical examination Treatment Abortive medication for instant pain reliefHigh flow oxygen therapyProphylactic medication to decrease frequency and intensity of painLifestyle modification to avoid triggers