Coma Home A-Z Health Information Health Library A-Z Coma Overview Coma refers to a deep state of unconsciousness characterized by lack of:Response to stimuliVoluntary movementsMeaningful verbal/visual response to soundSleep-wake cycle Causes Traumatic brain injuryStroke and other vascular disordersMeningitis and encephalitisMetabolic disorders like hypoglycaemia or hyperglycaemiaToxinsMass lesions in brainHypoxic brain damage Risk factors An ischemic or haemorrhagic strokeSerious brain infection of brain damageSeizuresBrain cancerHypoxiaMetabolic disorders, such as hypoglycaemia and diabetic hyperosmolar comaToxins include poisons, alcohol, and other drugs (cocaine, barbiturates, sedatives)Failure of the liver or kidneys Specialist to approach Neurologist Diagnosis Clinical examinationEEG- shows slowing of backgroundAbnormal evoked potentialsIts severity is determined using Glasgow coma scale score:3–8 : Severe coma9–12: Moderate coma13–15: Mild coma Treatment Supportive measuresManagement of secondary complicationsTreatment of underlying pathology