Corticobasal Degeneration (CBD) Home A-Z Health Information Health Library A-Z Corticobasal Degeneration (CBD) Overview CBD, also referred to as corticobasal syndrome, is a progressive and rare neurodegenerative disease, which generally starts between the age of 60–70 years. Causes It is caused due to abnormal deposition of Tau proteins in aging brain. Symptoms Asymmetrical loss of motor function, affecting one side more than the otherAxial rigidity with slowing of movementsAbnormal posturing of limbs (dystonia of hand/ leg)Muscle twitches or jerksAlien limb phenomenon- feeling that your hand has a mind of its ownDifficulty in doing learned motor activities (apraxia)Difficulty in speech and language Risk factors Unknown Specialist to approach Neurologist Diagnosis Clinical examination - to rule out Parkinson’s disease or other Parkinson plus syndromesMRI brain to look for specific areas of atrophyPET scan to detect areas of abnormalities Treatment No curative treatmentMedication like levodopa to improve the slow movementMedications to manage myoclonusPhysiotherapy, speech and occupational therapy