Management Team

Corticobasal Degeneration (CBD)


CBD, also referred to as corticobasal syndrome, is a progressive and rare neurodegenerative disease, which generally starts between the age of 60–70 years.

It is caused due to abnormal deposition of Tau proteins in aging brain.

  • Asymmetrical loss of motor function, affecting one side more than the other
  • Axial rigidity with slowing of movements
  • Abnormal posturing of limbs (dystonia of hand/ leg)
  • Muscle twitches or jerks
  • Alien limb phenomenon- feeling that your hand has a mind of its own
  • Difficulty in doing learned motor activities (apraxia)
  • Difficulty in speech and language

  • Unknown


  • Clinical examination - to rule out Parkinson’s disease or other Parkinson plus syndromes
  • MRI brain to look for specific areas of atrophy
  • PET scan to detect areas of abnormalities

  • No curative treatment
  • Medication like levodopa to improve the slow movement
  • Medications to manage myoclonus
  • Physiotherapy, speech and occupational therapy
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