Dementias or neurocognitive disorders Home A-Z Health Information Health Library A-Z Dementias or Neurocognitive Disorders Overview Dementias refers to a group of neurodegenerative diseases with various causes, leading to a chronic, progressive decline in brain function. The decline significantly impacts an individual’s work, family life and social life. The cognitive abilities affected include memory, thinking, orientation, comprehension, language, mathematical skills, learning ability, judgement, social behaviour, emotional control, and motivation, as well as the ability to perform activities of daily living. While dementia commonly manifests in old age, it is not a normal part of the aging process. A variety of diseases and injuries can affect brain functioning and lead to dementia. Causes and risk factors Older age is the most common cause with risk factors being: DepressionSocial isolationCognitive inactivityAir pollution Types Alzheimer dementia is the most common type of dementia. Other types of dementias include: Fronto-temporalVascular Lewy bodyParkinson’sMixed Symptoms Early symptoms include:ForgetfulnessMisplacing thingsConfusionDifficulty solving problemsGetting lost Diagnosis Medical historyCognitive and neurological testsBrain scans Treatment There is no cure for dementia. Management involves:Physically activitySocial interactions.