Dizziness Home A-Z Health Information Health Library A-Z Dizziness Overview Dizziness is a common symptom which can mean spinning of head, imbalance while walking, light headedness due to postural hypotension, faintness, blurring of vision etc. Causes Inner ear problems like BPPV, Labyrinthitis, vestibular migrainePosterior circulation strokesAnxiety/ panic attacksAdverse drug reactionMeniere’s diseaseCardiac arrhythmiasAutonomic disturbancesSyncopal attacksSeizures Risk factors Female sexMuscular pain in the neck and shoulder regionStressSleep durationMigraine Specialist to approach Neurologist Diagnosis Directed towards finding underlying aetiologyPure tone audiometryMRI brain and angiographyECGHolter monitoringAutonomic nervous testingEEG Treatment Symptomatic/ treatment of underlying cause