Guillain Barre Syndrome Home A-Z Health Information Health Library A-Z Guillain Barre Syndrome Overview Guillain Barre syndrome is a prevalent cause of acute neuromuscular paralysis. Causes Guillain Barre syndrome is an acquired neuropathy caused due to the formation of autoantibodies, which are generated in response to infections caused by Campylobacter jejuni, Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein–Barr Virus, Haemophilus influenzae, and Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Common antibodies associated are ganglioside antibodies (GM1) in acute inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy (AIDP), GQ1b antibody (Miller Fisher variant), and GD1a antibody in acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN). Risk factors Bacterial or viral infectionSurgeryAge over 50 yearsVaccinations in rare cases Symptoms Gradually worsening ascending muscle weakness, sometimes accompanied by paraesthesia, with symptoms typically peaking within four weeksProgressive loss of tendon reflexesBack pain and radicular discomfortWeakness in respiratory musclesCranial nerve dysfunction, affecting facial and bulbar musclesAutonomic system involvementOccasional bladder and bowel dysfunctionRegional variants:Miller Fisher syndrome (ophthalmoplegia, areflexia, and ataxia)Acute pandysautonomiaAcute oropharyngeal palsy (similar to diphtheria)Pharyngo-cervico-brachial patternFlaccid paraparesis variantPure sensory variant Specialist to approach Neurologist Diagnosis Blood tests to rule out conditions mimicking GBS like hypokalaemia, porphyria.CSF examination for albuminocytological dissociationAntibody measurementsNCV may show prolonged F waves, demyelination with/ without conduction blocks (AIDP) or axonal degeneration as in AMAN or AMSAN variantsMRI to determine enhancement of nerve roots Treatment Intravenous immunoglobulin (IV Ig) is treatment of choice.Plasma exchange (PE)Disease-modifying therapyGeneral supportive managementMonitoring of swallowing dysfunctionManagement of respiratory insufficiencyAutonomic dysfunction management- arrhythmia/ blood pressure fluctuationsThromboembolic complication preventionNeuropathic pain treatment with gabapentin, carbamazepine, or tramadolPhysiotherapy