Headache Home A-Z Health Information Health Library A-Z Headache Overview Headache is a prevalent condition, presented with pain or discomfort in the head and neck region. Most chronic headaches are vascular in nature and typically not life-threatening. Headaches that require immediate medical attention are Acute severe headache which has never happened in past (acute thunderclap headache)Change in character/ severity/ location of headacheHeadache associated with focal neurological signs like weakness/ visual disturbancesHeadache along with loss of consciousness/ seizuresNew onset headache in elderlyHeadache worsening while leaning forward or straining Causes Tension type headacheSinus headacheMigraineRebound headache (due to overuse of pain medication)Cluster headacheIdiopathic intracranial hypertensionMixed headache as in combination of tension type headache and migraine Less common causes are: Mass lesion in brain like tumour or granulomaHead injuryIntracranial or subdural haemorrhageMeningitis/ encephalitis/ other CNS infectionsRaised intracranial pressure due to brain swellingVasculitis/ other inflammatory disorders of CNS Risk factors SexBody mass index (BMI)SmokingFamily historyClimateExcessive caffeine consumptionAgeOveruse of medicationPsychiatric comorbidities (e.g., anxiety, insomnia, and depression)Occipital spurChronic dehydrationTemporomandibular disorders Specialist to approach Neurologist Diagnosis History and clinical examinationFundus examination to check for signs of raised intracranial pressureMRI/ CT head whenever required Treatment Supportive- rest, pain abortive medications like paracetamol, naproxen depending on cause of headacheProphylactic medication- on a regular basisSpecific treatment- CSF drainage/ removal of lesion depending on aetiologyLifestyle changes and avoidance of precipitating factorsBotulinum injection in specific cases