Hypoglycaemia Home A-Z Health Information Health Library A-Z Hypoglycaemia Overview Hypoglycaemia is a condition manifested by abnormally low levels of blood sugar. It frequently occurs in people having diabetes who use insulin or any specific medications. Causes Skipping meals, excessive physical activity, or too much insulin. Symptoms Confusion, shakiness, sweating, and even loss of consciousness in severe cases. Diagnosis Measuring blood sugar levels during an episode. Treatment Rapid consumption of fast-acting carbohydrates like glucose tablets or fruit juice can elevate blood sugar levels. Preventing hypoglycaemia involves regular monitoring, adjusting medications, and eating balanced meals. Education on recognising and treating hypoglycaemia is essential for the management of diabetes in diagnosed individuals.If someone with diabetes or a history of low blood sugar levels experiences severe symptoms or loses consciousness and is not responding to treatments such as drinking juice, eating candy, or taking glucose tablets, it's crucial to seek immediate emergency assistance.