Insulin Injection Home A-Z Health Information Health Library A-Z Insulin Injection Overview Insulin injections are a common treatment option for diabetes, particularly for type 1 diabetes and advanced type 2 diabetes. Insulin allows glucose to enter cells for energy, thus helping to regulate blood sugar levels.There are different insulin types, including rapid-acting, short-acting, intermediate-acting, and long-acting insulin, each with specific timing and duration. Proper technique and timing are crucial for effective management.Patients need to regularly evaluate blood sugar levels and accordingly adjust insulin doses. Education on injection techniques, insulin types, and managing blood sugar levels is essential for individuals using insulin pump therapy to maintain good health and prevent complications.Using insulin can be challenging for some people, but it is an effective way to lower your blood sugar levels. If you are having trouble with your insulin routine, talk to your healthcare team.If your at-home blood sugar tests show very low or high levels, get help immediately. Your insulin or other medicines might need to be altered. With time, you can figure out a routine that works well for you and fits your lifestyle.