Migraine Home A-Z Health Information Health Library A-Z Migraine Overview Migraine is a neurological disorder causing hemicranial headache and affecting the quality of life of patient. Causes Exact cause is unknownGeneticStressHormonal changesMedicationsSleep disordersWeather changesOverexerciseCaffeine or tobaccoSkipping mealsBright lights, loud sounds, or strong odours Risk factors Family historyFemale sexMigraines usually begin during adolescence and peak in 30s.Hormonal changesOther medical conditions including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, sleep disorders, and epilepsyMedications Symptoms Throbbing pain in one half of the head, starting in forehead and radiating backwardsNausea and vomitingSensitivity to light and soundHeadache preceded by fatigue or low moodMay or may not be associated with aura- visual phenomenon with scintillating lights appreciated in visual fieldHeadache increases in intensity gradually, may remain for 48–72 hours.Precipitated by lack of sleep, hunger, stress, exposure to heat or cold, certain smells or food itemsFrequency and intensity vary from person to person Specialist to approach Neurologist Diagnosis Clinical examinationMRI brain if any red flags in the history or papilloedemaBased on examination, migraines can be classified as follows:Migraine with auraMigraine without auraAbdominal migraineBasilar migraineSilent migraineChronic migraineStatus migrainosus Treatment Abortive medications like paracetamol and othersProphylactic medications to decrease headache frequencyMedications available as subcutaneous injections in refractory and chronic casesBotulinum injection in refractory casesTranscranial magnetic stimulation is also done in refractory cases