Management Team

Multifocal motor neuropathy with conduction blocks (MMNCB)


MMNCB is an autoimmune neuropathy affecting middle-aged males causing weakness in a specific nerve distribution. It results in sequential weakness of different parts of limbs.

It is caused due to generation of autoantibodies (anti GM1), which damage the nerve fibres and leads to failure of conduction of nerve impulse.

It is a rare disorder and the risk factors are not known.

  • Weakness and atrophy of hands and legs, hand grip weakness, wrist and foot drop
  • Distal involvement
  • No sensory symptoms


  • Clinical signs and symptoms
  • NCV: demonstration of conduction block (>50% decrease in amplitude of motor unit across proximal and distal stimulation)
  • Nerve biopsy (rarely needed)
  • Blood tests for anti GM1 antibodies

  • Immunomodulation using intravenous immunoglobulins. Other immunomodulators such as cyclophosphamide, or rituximab may also be used
  • Rehabilitation using orthosis and assistive devices
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