Phobias Home A-Z Health Information Health Library A-Z Phobias Overview Phobias are a subtype of anxiety disorders marked by intense, irrational, and persistent fear or disabling anxiety or fear triggered by specific objects or situations. These phobias are often unwanted and include fear of heights or flying, fear of closed spaces, fear of insects, fear of crowded places, to name a few. Phobias can be further classified into various subgroups. Social phobia or agoraphobia are the further subgroups of phobias. Causes Causes of phobias include the following:GeneticEnvironmental factors Types The different types of phobias are:Specific phobiaSocial phobiaAgoraphobia Symptoms Symptoms of phobia include:AnxietyDaily activities are affectedPhysical symptomsSweatingShortness of breathTremorShakingIncreased heartrate Diagnosis Diagnosis includes:Persistent fearAvoidanceDiagnosing underlying mental disorder Treatment Phobia can be treated using:Exposure therapyMindful therapyMedicationsCognitive behavioural therapy