Specific Learning disorders (SLD) Home A-Z Health Information Health Library A-Z Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) Overview Specific learning disorders (SLD) are a type of neurodevelopmental disorders characterised by difficulty in acquiring and implementing academic skills such as difficulty in reading, writing, mastering numbers, calculations and mathematical reasoning. When identified, a certificate from authorised government centres can enable individuals to access special accommodations during board and university examinations. Causes and risk factors Causes of learning disorders include:MalnutritionTraumaPrenatal and neonatal factors Types Types of learning disorders include:DyslexiaDysgraphiaDyscalculia Symptoms The symptoms of learning disorders are as follows:Difficulty understanding conceptsDifficulty in reading and writingDifficulty spelling words Diagnosis Diagnosis is made through Series of observationCriteria checklist Treatment Since there is no cure for SLD and no approved medications from FDA to manage the illness. Treatment involves: Early interventionSpecial education services