Urinary tract infections Home A-Z Health Information Health Library A-Z Urinary Tract Infections Overview Urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection of the tissues in the urinary system that is especially common in women. Symptoms UTIs are typically accompanied by the following symptoms:Abnormal urination, such as increased frequency, bladder urgency, excessive night-time urination, poor urine flow, or intermittent urine flowFever with chillsBurning sensation during urinationBlood in urinePain in the flank (side of the abdomen)Suprapubic pain, or pain in the area below the belly button and above the pubic bone Diagnosis UTIs can be diagnosed using the following techniques:Urinalysis: A routine urine testKidney function test, complete blood count, and c-reactive protein: A blood test that detects common indicators of UTIsUltrasound abdomen/KUB/pelvis: An ultrasound examination of the abdomen, kidneys, ureters and bladder, or pelvisUrine culture and sensitivity: The cells present in the urine are cultured and studiedCT KUB: A CT scan of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder Treatment UTIs can be treated in the following ways:Conservative management using medicationSurgical management depending upon the underlying cause for the UTI