Fine Lines Home A-Z Health Information Health Library A-Z Fine Lines Overview Fine lines are small, shallow lines that appear on the skin, often because of ageing and environmental factors. Types Dynamic fine lines: Also known as expression lines, are wrinkles that develop from repeated facial muscle movements like smiling, frowning, squinting, and blinking. These lines disappear when your face relaxes.Static fine lines: They result from loss of skin elasticity and collagen. These are permanent skin creases that are visible even when the face is at rest. Symptoms ShortShallow lines primarily around the eyesMouthForehead Causes AgingSun exposureSmokingDehydrationRepetitive facial expressions Diagnosis Visual examination by a dermatologist. Treatment BotoxFillersMorpheus8 (microneedling with radiofrequency) Clear + Brilliant laserTopical retinoids, depending on the severity