Management Team



Freckles are small and flat brown spots that commonly appear on skin areas exposed to the sun.

  • Common freckles (Ephelides): Typically small, red to light brown spots that are most common in fair-skinned individuals. These freckles appear generally during childhood, increase during adolescence, and may fade with age. They are usually seen on the face, neck, chest, and arms and darken during summertime.
  • Age spots (Lentigines): Larger and darker than common freckles, age spots are more common after age 50 on areas with chronic sun-exposure (like the face, hands, and forearm). Unlike common freckles, their pigmentation remains consistent throughout the year.

  • Small
  • Brown spots on the face
  • Arms
  • Shoulders

  • Sun exposure
  • Genetic predisposition

Visual examination by a dermatologist.

  • Laser treatments
  • Chemical peels
  • Topical lightening agents, based on the cause and severity
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