Genu Varum (Bowed Legs) Home A-Z Health Information Health Library A-Z Genu Varum (Bowed Legs) Overview Genu varum is a paediatric orthopaedic condition involving leg deformity, which is also known as bowed legs. It is a skeletal disorder where the legs curve outward at the knees while the ankles are close together. Symptoms Usually symptomless, apart from cosmetic concerns.Occasionally, in children, difficulty in walking and or pain in the outer part of the knees. Risk factors Bowing of the knees is normal till the age of 2 years.Vitamin D deficiency.Bone growth disorders like rickets, Blount disease, and osteogenesis imperfecta.Genetic disorders, such as Carpenter syndrome. Diagnosis Physical examination where the patient stands with both legs parallel to each other and both ankles together and the distance between both knees and ankles is measured.A full-length radiograph (X-ray) of both legs (scanogram) to measure the extent of varus (deformity in the knees).Radiograph of the knee joints at two different angles (anteroposterior and lateral views) to detect abnormality of the growth plates (ends of the bones in the knee joint).Computed tomography (CT) for treatment planning. Treatment Non-surgical treatmentNon-surgical treatment is the primary line of management. It includes:Observation in cases of physiological (natural) varus.Nutritional correction for vitamin D deficiency.Bracing for minimal deformity.Surgical treatmentSurgery is indicated in the advanced stage of the disease and when non-surgical management fails. Corrective osteotomy is required for severe deformities.It involves placing small plates/screws to restrict the growth on the outer side of the knees, restricting the deformity. The implants are usually removed once the child achieves complete growth. However, growth may be restricted when the screw penetrates the growing region of the bone.