Hair Thinning And Hair Loss Home A-Z Health Information Health Library A-Z Hair Thinning And Hair Loss Overview Hair thinning and hair loss have an effect on men and women both and can cause reduced hair density and bald patches. Types Androgenetic alopecia: This is a prevalent form of hair loss seen in both men and women. It is often referred to as "male pattern baldness" in men and "female pattern hair loss" in women. In men, hair loss follows a defined pattern, originating above the temples and gradually receding to form a characteristic "M" shape. Thinning also occurs at the top of the head, which may lead to partial or complete baldness over time. In women, thinning occurs primarily at the top of the head, with a widening of the middle part. The hairline generally remains intact and does not recede. Complete baldness is rare in women with androgenetic alopecia.Telogen effluvium: This is a temporary type of hair loss affecting people who experience severe stress or a major change in their body, such as hormonal changes or illness. Hair thinning is observed, which is generally concentrated around the top of the head. Symptoms Thinning hairReceding hairlineBald patches Causes GeneticsHormonal changesStressNutritional deficiencies Diagnosis Scalp examination and medical history by a dermatologist. Treatment Hair loss treatment includes PRP therapyRegenera ActivaFair mesotherapy, based on the underlying cause.