Kidney cancer Home A-Z Health Information Health Library A-Z Kidney Cancer Overview This is a condition where the cells of the kidney begin to divide uncontrollably. There are many treatment options for kidney cancer. Symptoms The following are symptoms of kidney cancer:Incidental detection of the tumour mass during imagingBlood in the urineUnexplained weight lossA mass or bulge on the side of the abdomen Diagnosis Kidney cancer can be diagnosed using the following investigations:CT urogram: A CT scan of the kidneys, ureters, and bladderCystoscopy: A surgical procedure to examine the lining of the bladder, urethra, and ureters Treatment The following options exist to treat kidney cancer:Robot-assisted partial nephrectomy: A surgical procedure to remove the tumour from the kidney using robotic assistanceOpen partial nephrectomy: A surgical procedure to excise the cancerous tissue from the kidneyLaparoscopic/robotic radical nephrectomy: A robot-assisted surgical procedure to remove the complete kidney, along with adjacent organs such as adrenal glands, fat tissues, and lymph nodesOpen radical nephrectomy: This is a surgical procedure in which the entire kidney, along with nearby fat tissue, adrenal glands, and lymph nodes, are removed