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Oral Health

This procedure involves the removal of a tooth from the gum socket; one or more teeth may be removed. To avoid infections, the dentist may prescribe antibiotics before the procedure.

  • A local anaesthetic is administered to numb the area around the tooth (to avoid any sensations of pain).
  • A tooth removal instrument called an elevator may be used to loosen the tooth in the gum.
  • Tooth extraction forceps are then placed around the tooth to pull it out of the socket.

These orthodontic devices, often made of metal or porcelain, are attached to the teeth. To create a gentle tug or force that helps the teeth move into the correct position, metal wires and rubber bands are used.

Aligners represent a unique type of orthodontic devices that are made of plastic; often they are custom-made to fit the teeth. Each aligner moves the teeth towards the final (desired) position in a step-by-step manner. To enable the aligner to grip the tooth and reposition it correctly, small heaps of composite resin (tooth-coloured filling material) are attached to various teeth.

Porcelain veneers are one of the most popular treatment options in cosmetic dentistry. Veneers are thin shells of porcelain, which are placed over the natural teeth to help correct almost any smile flaw, such as the following:

  • Open gaps between teeth
  • Cracked or broken teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Ground down teeth
  • Stained teeth

The first step during the treatment is to remove a small amount of enamel from the tooth. This will make room for the veneers. Impressions will be taken and sent to the lab to manufacture the porcelain veneers.
Once the veneers are back, the fit and colour will be assessed to achieve the right result. Thereafter, the shells will be bonded onto the teeth and dried with a special light
to achieve an aesthetic smile.

Dental implants offer the possibility of replacing a lost permanent tooth. Dental implants are small titanium posts directly placed into the jawbone to replace a missing tooth root. These act as a foundation for common dental restorations, renewing the patient’s ability to chew, speak and smile with full confidence.
There are multiple ways implants can be used to restore the smile, including:

  • Replacing a single tooth or multiple teeth
  • Application of supporting and stabilising dentures

During the first appointment, a dental and medical examination and 3D X-ray imaging will be performed to determine if the patient is an appropriate candidate for implants; accordingly, a treatment plan will be designed. Then, the titanium implant is then surgically inserted into the jawbone. The implant will fuse with the jawbone, a process called osseointegration; this usually requires up to 3 months. Once the complete fusion of the implant with the jawbone is achieved, the abutment will be placed to serve as an anchor to the restoration. A customised restoration will then be placed on top of the implant for functionality and aesthetics.

A removable partial denture (RPD) is a dental prosthesis that is used to replace multiple missing teeth. If a patient is not a candidate for a fixed dental bridge or dental implant, then an RPD is a good option. Generally, RPDs are worn during the day in order eat comfortably and smile aesthetically. At night the RPD can be removed to clean it and give the tissues in the mouth a break from the prosthesis.

These consist of two main parts: the artificial teeth and denture base. An artificial tooth restores the natural tooth's appearance and its occlusion and oral function, also assisting the patient in pronouncing words correctly. The dental base serves as the foundation of the artificial tooth; it is often used to restore defective soft and hard tissues. Biting force is distributed from the artificial tooth to the denture base, and finally, to the oral mucosa and bone tissues. Given that tooth support cannot be obtained, the denture base of complete dentures covers a larger area of the oral mucosa.

This is a partial denture comprising a cast metal framework with acrylic resin prosthetic teeth. Removable partial dentures with cast metal frameworks are markedly more advantageous than the more regularly used partial dentures. These denture frameworks are custom-made to match the shape of each patient’s teeth. Because they fit onto the teeth and are connected to them, they are extremely stable and retentive.

A palatal obturator is a short-term prosthesis that completely occludes openings in the roof of the mouth (for example, oronasal fistulas). After surgery, residual oronasal openings may remain on the palate, alveolar ridge, or vestibule of the larynx. Thus, palatal obturators are typically used to close such openings in the hard/soft palate; these defects/openings may cause nasal regurgitation during feeding or affect speech. These obturators are useful for the correction of hypernasality and aid in speech therapy, serving as a plastic/acrylic, removable roof of the mouth, that aids in speech and eating and the maintenance of proper air flow.

A dental crown often serves as a cap for an individual's damaged or decaying tooth or as a replacement for a missing tooth when placed on top of a dental implant.

Bridges are solely used to replace missing teeth. They have two crowns (one on each end) and a series of replacement teeth that rests in an area within the gums where there is tooth loss. These crowns can be fused to existing teeth or attached to dental implants.

At the Sir H. N. Reliance Foundation Hospital, we have a solution to bring back the brightness and vigour of your smile. Pola office is an in-office professional teeth whitening system that aims to brighten your teeth permanently while reducing tooth sensitivity. Widely recognised as one of the most effective teeth whitening systems. Pola office whitening offers cost-effective solutions and astonishing results for all patients.

We start the procedure by establishing your smile goals. This includes customising the shade of composite resin to match the shade of your current teeth or choosing your desired shade.
The next step is to roughen the surface of the tooth and add a bonding and conditioning liquid. This step is necessary to help the material bond better to your natural tooth. We then add the composite material layer by layer and shape it until it is of the correct shape.
The material is hardened using a special light and your teeth are polished. The result will be a cavity free dentition that would restore your oral health.

Brushing and flossing twice a day is important for a healthy smile. However, some places can be tough to reach with a conventional toothbrush or floss. Many patients find it difficult to remove food impacted between the molars due to irregular pits and grooves on the surface. Dental sealants are a thin plastic coating painted onto the teeth by our dentists. Using sealant acts as a preventative measure, which fills the pits and grooves on tooth surfaces. It helps preventing food impaction, which can lead to decay and eventually cavities. Sealants can be used on adults as well as in children.

This helps connects a tooth that has undergone a root canal to a dental crown. To place a post, first, a root canal is performed on the desired tooth/teeth to eliminate the infection; the root canal is shaped to receive the post. A small instrument known as a dental file is used to shape the top of the root canal; after a post is selected, it is cemented or bonded into place. Once the post is in place, the tooth is filled with the new core material. Once this material has hardened, the core material is shaped and prepared such that it can receive a dental crown. An impression of each patient’s teeth are prepared so that a dental laboratory can custom-craft a crown that will precisely fit the post and core build up.

When a tooth becomes severely decayed or infected, a root canal might be necessary. This is due to caries reaching the nerve leading to an infection.
In order to save your tooth and restore its function, we will gently remove the infected pulp and all the bacteria. Then, we will fill the space within the tooth with composite resin to restore its strength.

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