Prostate cancer Home A-Z Health Information Health Library A-Z Prostate Cancer Overview This occurs when the cells of the prostate gland begin to divide uncontrollably. It is a common cancer in men. There are many options for the treatment of bladder cancer. Symptoms The following are common symptoms of bladder cancer:Increased serum PSA levelsBlood in urinePoor urinary flowAbnormal urination, including increased frequency, urgency, and night-time urinationIntense back pain or bone pain Diagnosis Prostate cancer can be diagnosed in the following ways:Serum PSA: This is a blood test to check the levels of a protein secreted by the prostateFree/total PSA ratio: This is also performed via a blood testMultiparametric MRI prostate: An MRI scan of the prostate glandBone scan: This test uses nuclear imaging to examine the bonesPSMA PET scan: This is a scan that checks for a specific protein that is produced by prostate cancers Treatment Prostate cancer can be treated using the following techniques:Active surveillance: The prostate gland is monitored to check for progression of abnormalitiesRobot-assisted radical prostatectomy: This a robot-assisted surgery in which the complete prostate gland is removedOpen radical prostatectomy: This surgical procedure involves the complete removal of the prostate glandRadiotherapy: The prostate gland is given radiation treatment to kill the cancerous cellsAndrogen deprivation therapy: This is a type of hormone therapy that reduces the level of male hormones to reduce the growth of prostate cancer cellsFocal ablative therapy: This technique uses a laser to destroy small, localised prostate tumours