Management Team

Non-Invasive Cardiology


Cardiology focuses on the use of procedures to study, diagnose, and care for problems of the heart, arteries, and blood vessels. Non-invasive cardiology is associated with the identification of cardiac problems using imaging techniques and other tests without needles being used, fluids being injected, or other instruments inserted into the body.

The highly experienced team at the Non-Invasive Cardiology Department of RFH performs a range of diagnostic cardiology procedures using state-of-the-art infrastructure.

The Tower

GE Vivid E95 is our premium 4D cardiovascular ultrasound system with the following key features:

  • The advanced image processing cSound Adapt technology enables the adaptation to patient anatomy and probe position. This results in a notable enhancement of image quality, especially for difficult-to-scan patients.
  • A new XDclear Matrix transducer that includes volume 4D transoesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) options.
  • The 4D TEE ultrasound, which is one of the most powerful ultrasound modalities, offers a wide range of advanced quantification features, enabling the generation of accurate and easy-to-read results.
  • This system incorporates AI algorithms to minimise manual steps and automate the workflow, thereby enhancing the efficiency of the process. The system is equipped with an extensive collection of AI-based features to capture 4D ultrasound images with high efficiency.
  • An adult 4D transthoracic echocardiogram solution provides excellent workflow solutions considering ergonomic feasibility; it is associated with uncompromised 2D, 4D, colour, and Doppler image quality at ultra-high-volume rates, using only a single probe (thus, the switching of probes can be avoided).

Overall, this system delivers outstanding performance and ultrasound image quality for maximum clinical confidence.

The Tower

This system enhances and consolidates the communication between the interventional cardiologist and the echocardiographer during complex interventional exams; this serves to improve workflow and ultimately, patient care. The EchoNavigator amalgamates live ultrasound and X-ray information into one intuitive view, aiding interventional cardiologists oversee procedures in detail; it also helps them accurately ascertain the location of key anatomical structures. Moreover, it is superior to several other instruments with regard to flexibility, as it allows the clinician to observe views of multiple regions simultaneously.

Powerful Philips nSIGHT Imaging allows real-time coherent beam reconstruction and enables structural, functional, and live 3D imaging.

EPIQ CVxi offers AI-integrated workflows for routine and specialised procedures that help practice at the leading edge of cardiovascular medicine, advancing care for patients in different ways

The system offers enhanced and superior image quality, with AI-assisted features and tools that automate and quantify measurements.

It offers true real-time volume image-forming capability.

The Tower

The GE Vivid S70 cardiovascular ultrasound imaging system from GE Healthcare is installed at RFH for portable use.

This system uses the innovative and programmable beam-forming technology cSound, the image quality and power of which are far superior to those of conventional hardware-based beam-forming technologies. Achieving high computational power, enhanced ease of imaging, increased workflow flexibility, and great scope for product upgradeability.

The system excels in the following areas:

  • cSound Platform
  • Outstanding Image Quality
  • Probe Technology
  • Ease of Use
  • Portability

Additionally, the Vivid S70 system utilises the proven raw data format technology; this opens up the possibility for the advanced processing of archived images using many of the originally available scan controls and quantitative tools themselves, without the requirement for additional specialized tools, per se.

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