Radiology Home Patient & Visitors Patient & Visitors Guide Diagnostic Services Radiology Overview Equipped with leading-edge technology and staffed by skilled and experienced medical professionals, the Radiology Department of Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation Hospital is one of its kind radiology departments in India. The radiologists in our department work closely with specialists in many other medical domains to ensure the patients get the exact care they need. The seamless integration of SAP (System Applications & Product) in data processing and PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) ensures real-time transfer of data and reports across the hospital systems, as well as remote access. At our department, patients of all age groups are provided access to a comprehensive range of imaging services using the latest equipment and techniques. With the highest quality of imaging and image interpretation, the Radiology Department provides a strong foundation for expert care at the hands of our experienced specialists. The Department of Radiology occupies a single floor and is located close to the outpatient department clusters for efficient treatment administration and ensuring a world-class patient experience. Our Services Our Technology The Department of Radiology provides numerous services, which are enumerated below.3D/4D ultrasound systemRoutine obstetrics scanAnomaly scanFoetal imagingLiver elastography3D tomosynthesis mammographyStereotactic biopsy for breast lesionsUltrasound-guided prostate biopsyColour & power Doppler imagingUltrasound-guided procedures, such as fine needle aspiration, biopsies, diagnostic & therapeutic fluid drainage & musculoskeletal injectionMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI)Cardiac MRIBreast MRISpectroscopy MRIDefecography MRIF-MRIMSK - sports imagingWhole body MRIEpilepsy protocol MRIParkinson’s study protocol MRIMRI stroke protocol (in window period)Computerised tomography (CT)Whole body angiography - coronary (TAVR protocol) & peripheral angiographyDual energy CT scan analysisCT enteroclysisCT liver & renal - donor protocolCT-guided biopsyCT-guided procedureBone densitometryFluoroscopyX-ray scanningSecond opinion services: These services are provided by medical professionals who are experts in imaging specific body parts, such as brain and spinal cord, heart and blood vessels, abdomen, breast, bones and joints, and lungs. If patients need a second opinion for any reason, they can submit images (on film or CD) and discuss the findings with our experts through appointment. Limitations imposed by the provided images and protocols used for image acquisition will apply to imaging done elsewhere. The Department of Radiology is equipped with state-of-the-art medical technology. A few examples of the technologies in the department are presented below.SOMATOM FORCE CT 384-slice dual source: The ‘first scanner’ of its generation installed in Asia that scans at greater speed, thereby reducing radiation exposure during CTSOMATOM Skyra: The ‘first scanner’ of its generation in Mumbai and the second in India that provides high-resolution MRI (3 Tesla) images with greater speedOpen MRI (Fuji): A revolutionary imaging technology that offers a more spacious experience compared to traditional closed MRI machines; patients no longer feel confined or claustrophobic during MRI, making it ideal for individuals who face anxiety in enclosed spaces.High-resolution ultrasound scanners with 3D/4D capability and colour Doppler imaging: Ultrasound is a quick and non-invasive technique with no radiation exposure. The applications include:Detailed evaluation of the foetus, including 3D and 4D visualisation of the baby. With HD live software the baby can be visualised as it is in utero. Colour Doppler imaging can evaluate the blood flowing to the baby.A number of advanced diagnostic and therapeutic exams using high-resolution ultrasound are performed for body parts, such as the shoulder, knee, ankle, breast, prostate, and neck.With real-time colour Doppler imaging, blood flow to the limbs can be assessed for peripheral & abdominal organs, e.g., in the case of renal and hepatic vascular diseasesUltrasound guidance for hi-tech diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, such as ultrasound-guided musculoskeletal injection, solid organ biopsies, and fluid aspirationsPortable ultrasound scanners for quick bedside ultrasound diagnosis for immobile patients in the intensive care unit and emergency departmentHockey stick probe & latest software for accurate liver fat quantification FAQs on Radiology Department We have prepared a list of common FAQs, along with answers to each of them Do I need a referral order from my doctor for my scanning? Yes, referrals are required for all exams except screening mammograms. Can I get secondary opinions regarding my radiology results? Yes, you can; getting secondary opinions from subspecialty radiologists can provide additional insights, especially when the results of the preliminary/primary examinations are complex or unclear. How can I prepare for my radiology exam? The preparation to be done at your end depends on the type of exam you are undertaking. For example, for all CT and MRI contrast scanning examinations, renal functional tests, and MRI scanning examinations for abdomen & pelvic studies, patients are required to follow this protocol: Strict starvation for 4 hours prior to CT scan contrast exam; patients can consume clear water, but no milk and/or milk-based products. How safe are radiology procedures? At the Sir H. N. Reliance Foundation Hospital and Research Centre, we follow the ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) principle. Our radiology department boasts several state-of-the-art advanced diagnostic imaging equipment and a skilled staff with extensive expertise in performing various techniques; thus, in our department, extensive care is taken to minimise radiation exposure. Our radiologists strictly adhere to safety protocols to ensure that our patients are exposed to the least possible, yet optimum radiation dose. In all cases, the risk of radiation is carefully weighed against the benefits of the procedure. Can the time of my procedure change? We try to accommodate all our patients on time. However, prior to certain procedures, such as CT scanning for abdominal examinations, oral contrast administration is required prior to the scanning procedure; thus, factors like this are considered while allocating/altering the time of appointments. Moreover, we prioritise vulnerable and/or critically ill patients, considering their condition; sometimes, this may delay your examination. What should I do if I have previously been allergic to contrast? If you are allergic to any drug(s) or contrast material, please inform the doctor or technicians before your CT or MR scanning examination; accordingly, special precautions may be required and the necessary medication may be prescribed by the radiologist.