Breast Clinic Home Care Centres Institute of Onco Sciences Surgical Oncology Breast Clinic Overview The Breast Clinic offers treatment for benign as well as malignant disorders of the breast. Multidisciplinary and evidence-based approach to the management of breast cancer is followed & personalised cancer treatment is provided to the patients. Our Services Benign breast disease management including:CystsFibroadenomaIntraductal papillomaNipple dischargeNipple ulcerationBreast painBreast abscessGalactoceleGynaecomastiaBreast augmentationMastopexy (breast lift surgery)Surgeries for breast cancer:Phylloides surgeryMastectomy – skin-sparing and nipple-sparing mastectomy, drainless mastectomy, IMF incision mastectomy and Goldilocks mastectomy.Sentinel node biopsy with dual dyeAxillary node clearanceBreast conservation surgery with intraoperative wire localisationsOncoplasty – Benelli, batwing, Grissoti techniquesTherapeutic and reduction mammoplastyMuscle-sparing chest wall flaps – LICAP, AICAP, LTAP and T-DAP for partial and whole breast reconstructionConventional LD Flaps and TRAM flapsFree-flap reconstruction of whole breast using DIEP / SIEP/ gluteal flapsImplant-based reconstructions – prepectoral and subpectoral with or without expanders, ADM or dermal slingsNipple reconstructions and areola pigmentationLipomodellingRadiation Therapy3-week radiation protocols, including simultaneous integrated boost to whole breast and partial breast or the chest wallAxillary radiotherapyBrachytherapyChemotherapyConventional and targeted therapy with port insertionsHormonal therapyBisphosphonate therapyGeneticsGenetic analysis for familial cancersGenetic counsellingRisk reduction surgeries for breast and ovarian cancersBreast care nurses to guide and support the patientsPalliative care, including home care, for advanced and metastatic cancersRadiologyDiagnostic digital mammographyScreening digital mammographyMobile units for screening mammographyUltrasonography of the breast with Biopsy and Marker insertionsStereotactic and ultrasound guided wire localisation of early lesions to aid the excisionMRI breastPathologyCore biopsy and fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC)Frozen section analysisHistopathology with immunohistochemistry and synoptic reportsPhysiotherapyManual massage techniques for lymphoedemaLymphapress machine for lymphoedema Partners in care Vijay V. Haribhakti Group Chairman of Oncosciences; Consultant Surgical Oncologist and Microvascular and Reconstructive Surgeon Surgical Oncology Amish Dalal Consultant Surgical Oncology Ashutosh Kothari Consultant Surgical Oncology Manish G. Agarwal Consultant Surgical Oncology, Paediatric Orthopaedics Marzi Godrej Mehta Consultant; Section Co-ordinator Surgical Oncology Mishil Sandeep Parikh Consultant Surgical Oncology, Orthopaedics & Joint Replacement, Paediatric Orthopaedics Nikhilesh Borkar Consultant Surgical Oncology Paresh A. Jain Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, Robotic Oncosurgeon Surgical Oncology, General & Minimal Access Surgery Prashant Nyati Consultant Surgical Oncology Raman Deshpande Consultant Surgical Oncology Reshma J. Palep Consultant Surgical Oncology Richa Bansal Consultant Surgical Oncology Saalim Y. Sheikh Consultant Surgical Oncology Sanket S. Mehta Consultant Surgical Oncology Soumil Jitendra Vyas Consultant Surgical Oncology, General & Minimal Access Surgery Tushar Thorat Consultant Surgical Oncology