Head Neck Oncology & Reconstructive Surgery Home Care Centres Institute of Onco Sciences Surgical Oncology Head Neck Oncology & Reconstructive Surgery Overview This department offers treatment for malignancies of oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, salivary glands, thyroid, parathyroid and skull base. The centre is multidisciplinary, encompassing all aspects of care, including but not limited to diagnosis, evaluation, treatment, rehabilitation and palliation. The latest recommended standard-of-care approaches are provided for the management of diseases. Our Services Tumour removal/ablative surgerySurgery for upper aero-digestive tract tumours (UADT) and skin cancer (head, face and neck)Conservation laryngeal surgery and laryngectomy for laryngeal tumoursperoral resections, pull-through procedures (avoiding/minimizing facial scars), 3D reconstructions and computer-aided cutting guides (to improve functional and aesthetic outcomes) for jaw tumoursOpen craniofacial surgery for orbital tumoursOpen craniofacial surgery and neurosurgery for tumours of the anterior skull-baseSkull-base surgery (temporal bone resections) for tumours of the lateral skull-baseAnterior skull-base surgery for paranasal sinus tumoursSalivary gland surgery with facial nerve monitoringThyroid and parathyroid gland surgery with intraoperative nerve monitoringSurgery for vascular malformations involving the scalp, face, neck and UADTTransoral robotic surgery (TORS) for tumours of the oral cavity, oropharynx, larynx and laryngopharynxTransoral laser surgery for tumours of the oral cavity, oropharynx, larynx and laryngopharynxSubmandibular salivary gland transferBrachytherapyReconstructive surgery (Microvascular reconstruction)Local and regional methods to optimize functional and aesthetic outcomesFree tissue-transfer – immediate appropriate reconstruction using standard soft-tissue, visceral or bone-flapsScapular free-flapsUlnar free-flapsFacial reanimation proceduresSpeech and swallowing rehabilitationOptimizing functional outcomes for all head and neck tumoursPost-laryngectomy/Alaryngeal speech rehabilitation – tracheoesophageal punctures (primary and secondary) and prostheticsProsthetic rehabilitation for the orbit, nose, earsDental rehabilitation – primary and secondary osseo-integrated implants, prostheticsFacial reanimationSubmandibular salivary gland transfer Partners in care Vijay V. Haribhakti Group Chairman of Oncosciences; Consultant Surgical Oncologist and Microvascular and Reconstructive Surgeon Surgical Oncology Amish Dalal Consultant Surgical Oncology Ashutosh Kothari Consultant Surgical Oncology Manish G. Agarwal Consultant Surgical Oncology, Paediatric Orthopaedics Marzi Godrej Mehta Consultant; Section Co-ordinator Surgical Oncology Mishil Sandeep Parikh Consultant Surgical Oncology, Orthopaedics & Joint Replacement, Paediatric Orthopaedics Nikhilesh Borkar Consultant Surgical Oncology Paresh A. Jain Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, Robotic Oncosurgeon Surgical Oncology, General & Minimal Access Surgery Prashant Nyati Consultant Surgical Oncology Raman Deshpande Consultant Surgical Oncology Reshma J. Palep Consultant Surgical Oncology Richa Bansal Consultant Surgical Oncology Saalim Y. Sheikh Consultant Surgical Oncology Sanket S. Mehta Consultant Surgical Oncology Soumil Jitendra Vyas Consultant Surgical Oncology, General & Minimal Access Surgery Tushar Thorat Consultant Surgical Oncology