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Radiology & Imaging


Equipped with cutting-edge technology and backed by clinical excellence, the Department of Radiology and Imaging at Sir H. N. Reliance Foundation Hospital and Research Centre is one of the best in India. The department functions as a tertiary referral centre for radiology, focusing on head and neck, abdomino-pelvic, chest, and musculoskeletal imaging, along with neuroimaging and interventional radiology.

The complete range of imaging services are provided for all age groups, using the latest radiology technology. With the highest quality of imaging and interpretation, the department offers expert care by the experienced specialists and sub-specialists.

Ergonomically designed, the Radiology department at Sir H. N. Reliance Foundation Hospital and Research Centre is located on a single floor, close to the OPD clusters, for efficient administration and a better patient experience.

Location: Level 2, Tower Building

Timings: 24X7

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The Tower

The Department of Radiology and Imaging at Sir H. N. Reliance Foundation Hospital and Research Centre provides a range of services that meet international standards, including:

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • Computed tomography (CT) scan
  • Mammography (digitised)
  • Bone densitometry
  • Fluoroscopy
  • Ultrasonography
  • X-ray
  • Second opinion service: Imaging experts in specialised areas such brain and spinal cord, heart and blood vessels, abdomen, breast, bones and joints, and lungs can provide you with a second opinion, if needed. You can submit your images as a film or CD and set an appointment to discuss the findings with the experts. Limitations imposed by the images and protocols used for acquisition of images will apply to imaging done elsewhere.
  • Interventional radiology: Interventional radiology is a minimally invasive therapy and provides treatment for vascular and non-vascular diseases. It utilises modern radiology technology such as digital subtraction angiography, CT, and ultrasonography to guide the placement of catheters and needles with the utmost accuracy for treating various conditions, without the need for surgery.
  • Bone densitometry
  • Mammography
  • Sonomammogram and Elastography

    Sonomammogram or breast ultrasound is performed using a high-frequency linear transducer, as a solitary test, if performed under the age of 40 years or coupled with mammography for diagnostic indications. It is a safe examination as sonography does not involve radiation. Breast ultrasound elastography is an advanced tool that uses strain or shear-wave technology for quantifying tissue stiffness. It helps in further clarification of breast lesions to improve sensitivity and specificity of diagnosis.

  • Breast MRI

    It is typically performed for certain indications like dense breasts or for women with high risk. MRI breast is not better than mammography, it is just a different procedure. Examination takes approximately 45 minutes and nearly always involves a contrast injection. A prescription from your referring doctor will be required prior to making an appointment.

  • Breast interventions

    Various interventional procedures such as breast lump core biopsy, cyst and abscess aspiration, and hook-wire placements are performed under high-frequency ultrasound guidance to improve accuracy of obtaining sample for assessment. Additionally, a suspicious area seen on MRI can be targeted using our specialized MRI guided biopsy equipment. A prescription from your referring doctor will be required prior to making an appointment for these services.

The Tower

The Department of Radiology and Imaging at Sir H. N. Reliance Foundation Hospital is involved in the treatment of various conditions, including:

  • Peripheral arterial disease

    Peripheral arterial disease can cause blockage of the arteries supplying the legs, which causes pain while walking, and sometimes wounds that do not heal. With increasing severity, it can lead to gangrene and limb loss, especially in patients with diabetes. Endovascular treatment for these conditions is low risk and is performed through small ‘pinholes’ to clear blockages using angioplasty and stents where necessary. The patient rarely needs general anaesthesia, and recovery is quick. Newer treatments to remove plaques such as atherectomy are also used.

  • Venous disease

    Venous disease can be mild or severe. Early problems include varicose veins and mild swelling of the legs and ankles. More advanced cases experience severe swelling, blackening of skin, and significant skin damage, leading to wounds that do not heal. The treatment of venous disease can involve dissolving and removing clots in the veins, or blocking veins with malfunctioning valves. This is performed through ‘pinholes’ guided by DSA or ultrasonography, resulting in quick and durable treatment and short hospital stays.

  • Uterine Fibroid

    Uterine fibroids or “leiomyomas” are common non-cancerous observed in women of reproductive age. However, they can cause several symptoms when large in size, such as excessive bleeding, pain, and difficulty with urination or bowel movement. Treatment involves blocking the blood supply of these benign tumours using catheters, causing them to shrink. This is a short stay procedure with a very high success rate.

  • Aortic Aneurysms
  • Liver cancer: Liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma) is inoperable, but can be treated using two main techniques through interventional radiology:
    • Transarterial embolisation with chemotherapy or radiotherapy
    • Percutaneous ablation
  • Jaundice due to biliary obstruction
  • Venous access
  • Portal hypertension
  • Prostate enlargement
  • Vertebral column and joint pain
The Tower

The seamless integration of the digital radiology equipment, Hospital Information Systems (HAS), and Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) ensures real-time transfer of data and reports across the hospital systems and offers remote access. Various specialised diagnostic equipment for specialties such as Cardiology and Pulmonary Medicine are co-located within the OPD clusters (distributed diagnostics).

The state-of-the-art medical technology available at the department includes:

  1. SOMATOM FORCE dual source 384-slice CT scanner: It is the first scanner of its generation installed in Asia. which performs at a great speed, reducing radiation exposure.
    • It is the fastest CT scanner made by Siemens. It can scan the entire chest and abdomen in just one second! This minimises the risk of blurred pictures because of patient movement. It is also suitable for scanning young children or older adults.
    • The Somatom Force can scan 737 mm per second. This speed allows us to see the arteries supplying the heart (coronary arteries) vividly without the need to slow the heart down with drugs, which facilitates performing CT coronary angiography (CCTA) to identify blocks in arteries that can cause myocardial infarction (heart attacks). This procedure requires a few minutes and can be performed for all kinds of patients.
    • It has a unique ability to find and analyse kidney stones, aiding the surgeon in the treatment process. It can also help in diagnosing joint diseases.
    • It delivers a very low radiation dose, which is important for patients who need repeated scanning. This can reduce the radiation dose by almost 50%.
    • Very low dose of contrast medium injection (approximately 50% lower than that required by old scanners) is required with this advanced scanner.
  2. 3Tesla (3T) MRI – SOMATOM Skyra

    It is the first scanner of its generation in Mumbai and the second in India. It provides high-resolution images at a great speed. The Siemens 3T MRI scanner at our hospital is one of the latest models with cutting-edge technology. It is equipped with advanced features including functional MRI, cardiac imaging, MR elastography, and advanced liver imaging.

  3. The Lunar iDXA – Bone Densitometry unit

    Offers research-grade image resolution, high precision, and accommodates to high patient weights.

  4. Mammomat Inspiration with a Stereotactic Biopsy Unit

    It provides improved image quality, decreased scattered radiation, and reduced radiation dose.

  5. Fluoroscopy unit
  6. Ultrasound scanners
  7. Portable USG machines
  8. Digital X-ray
  9. Portable X-ray units
  10. PACS
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